Library — PETER HALLEY (2024)

Consisting of nearly 800 publications, the Peter Halley Library contains books, monographs, exhibition catalogues, and magazines featuring Halley.

1980Louisiana Major Works, Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, LA

1983Christopher C. Cook and Kyra Montagu, Tradition, Transition, New Vision: An Exhibition of Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, Film, Photography and Video by 38 Artists Who Are Alumni/ae of Abbot and Phillips Academy 1954–1974, exhibition catalogue (Andover, MA: Addison Gallery of American Art, 1983).

1984Selections from the Artists File, exhibition catalogue, Artist Space, New York (New York: Artist Space, 1984).

1984“The Crisis in Geometry,” Arts Magazine (June 1984).

1985Gerhard Storck, Dreissig Jahre durch die Kunst, exhibition catalogue, krefelder Kunstmuseen (Krefeld, Germany, 1985)

1985Robert Smithson: Early Work 1959 - 1962, Diane Brown Gallery

1985Alan Belcher, Infotainment, exhibition catalogue, Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Chicago, Texas Gallery, Houston (New York: J. Berg Press, 1985).

1985Biennale de São Paulo, Brazil (catalogue)

1985"On Line," Journal, n.42 (Fall 1985), 34 - 37

1985“On Line,” New Observations, n. 35 (1985).

1985Beth Biegler, East Village Eye, New York, Feb 1985.

1985Carlo McCormick, “Poptometry,” Artforum (Nov 1985): 87–91.

1985Helena Kontova and Giancarlo Politi, "Two Italians in New York," Flash Art, n. 125 (Dec 1985–Jan 1986), 38.

1985Jeanne Siegel, "The Artist/Critic of the Eighties: Peter Halley and Stephen Westfall,” Arts Magazine (Sep 1985): 72–79.

1985Michele Cone, "Conversations with Art Collectors: Michael Schwartz," Flash Art, .. 125 (Dec 1985/Jan 1986), 63.

1986Peter Halley, Gallery Daniel Templon, exhibition catalogue, 1986

1986El arte y su doble (Art and Its Double: A New York Perspective), exhibition catalogue (Barcelona: Fundación Caja de Pensions, 1987).

1986EndGame: Reference and Simulation in Recent Painting and Sculpture, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA (catalogue)

1986Europa/Amerika, Ludwig Köln Museum, Cologne, Germany (catalogue)

1986Johannes Gachnang, "Ich denke, deine Arbeit siecht sehr nach Dubuffet aus," exhibition catalogue, Museum Ludwig Koln (Cologne, Germany: Museum Ludwig, 1986), 365.

1986Per Hovdenakk, Norsk/Amerikansk Treffpunkt, exhibition catalogue, Stavanger Faste Galleri (Stavanger, Norway: 1986): 14 - 15.

1986Political Geometries: on the Meaning of Alienation, Hunter College Art Gallery, New York (catalogue)

1986Spiritual America, CEPA Galleries, Buffalo, NY (catalogue); travelled to Stavanger Faste Galleri, Stavanger, Norway (curated by Collins & Milazzo)

1986Tableaux Abstraits, curated by Christian Bernard, Le Consortium, Dijon, France, 25 April - 31 May 1986, travelled to Villa Arson, Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Nice, France (catalogue)

1986"Art-at-Andover and After-after-Andover: a conversation between Carroll Dunham and Peter Halley," Addison Journal, (Spring 1986): 11 - 19.

1986"From Criticism to Complicity," Flash Art (Summer 1986): 46–49.

1986"The Deployment of the Geometric," in Spazio Umano, edited by Enrico R. Comi (Milan, Italy: 1986), 97 - 103.

1986"Untitled," Arts Magazine (Mar 1986): 20 - 21

1986Alan Jones, “Paravision: An Interview with Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo,” Galeries Magazine (Aug–Sep 1986): 40–47, 93–94.

1986Andrea Busto, "Arte A Parigi," Mostre and Musei, v. 1, n.2 (Sep 1986): 60 - 67.

1986Barbara Plumb, "Future Perfect: top designers "model" the modern apartment," Vogue, (Aug 1986): 212.

1986Calvin Tomkins, “Between Neo- and Post-,” The New Yorker, 24 Nov 1986, 104–113.

1986Christian Besson, “Tableaux abstraits,” Art Press, n. 106 (Sep 1986): 16–27.

1986Dan Cameron, “Transparencies,” Art Criticism (1986): 1–10.

1986Dinitia Smith, "Art Fever," New York, v.20, n.16 (Apr 20, 1987): 34 - 43.

1986Donald Jones, "Six Artists At the End of the Line: Gretchen Bender, Ashley Bickerton, Peter Halley, Lluise Lawler, Allan McCollum, and Peter Nagy," Arts Magazine, n. 9 (May, 1986), 49 - 51.

1986Donald Kuspit, "New Geo and Neo Geo," Artscribe International, n. 59 (Sep - Oct 1986): 22 - 25.

1986Donald Kuspit, “Young Necrophiliacs, Old Narcissists: Art About the Death of Art,” Artscribe International (Apr–May 1986): 27–31.

1986Eleanor Heartney, “Neo-Geo Storms New York,” New Art Examiner (Sep 1986): 26–29.

1986Hal Foster, “Signs Taken for Wonders,” Art in America (June 1986): 81–91, 139.

1986Jeanne Siegel, “Geometry Desurfacing,” Arts Magazine (Mar 1986): 26–30.

1986Joshua Decter, “Peter Halley,” Arts Magazine (Summer 1986): 110.

1986Journal Magazine, Fall 1986

1986Kay Larson, “Masters of Hype,” New York Magazine, 10 Nov 1986, 100–103.

1986Klaus Ottman, “Supermannerism,” Flash Art, n. 127 (Apr–May 1986): 59–61.

1986Markus Bruderlin, "Postmoderne Seele und Geometrie," Kunstforum, v. 86 (Nov, Dec 86): 80 - 85.

1986Michael Boodro, "The Prince of Smart Art," On the Avenue, v.3, n.3 (Nov 1986): 14

1986Michele Cone, "Peter Halley," Flash Art (Feb–Mar 1986).

1986New Observations, n. 42 (1986), 17.

1986Octavio Zaya, “The End of Neo-Expressionism, or, The Return of Abstraction,” Hartismo, n. 10 (Jan–Mar 1986): 45–60.

1986Paul Taylor, “Cumulus from America: The Return of (Conceptual) Art,” Parkett, n. 9 (1986): 120–124.

1986Paul Taylor, “The Hot Four,” New York Magazine, 27 Oct 1986, 50–56.

1986Sei ichi Tanaka, The Avant-Gardes in New York (Japan: Tanaka Studio Inc. 1986).

1986Sonnabend Advertisem*nt, Artforum, New York, October 1986.

1986Steven Henry Madoff, “Vestiges and Ruins: Ethics and Geometric Art in the Twentieth Century,” Arts Magazine (Dec 1986): 32–40.

1986Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo, "Art-Trend: SZNE New York," Kunstforum, v. 83 (Mar-May 1986): 321-322.

1986Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo, “Spiritual America,” CEPA Quaterly, v. 1, n. 3 (Spring 1986): 4–8.

1986Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo, “Tropical Codes,” Kunstforum International (Mar–May 1986): 308–337.

1986Roberta Smith, “Four Young East Villagers at Sonnabend Gallery,” The New York Times, 28 Oct 1986, C30.

1987"Acquisitions," Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Annual Report, (1987): 14.

1987Art Against AIDS, exhibition catalogue, Sotheby's (New York, New York: The American Foundation for AIDS Research, 1987), 76, 198.

1987Avant-Garde in the Eighties, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles (catalogue)

1987Corrado Teano, Terrae Motus at the Royal Palace of Caserta, exhibition catalogue, Fondazione Amerlio Istituto per l'Arte Contemporanea (Naple, Italy: 1992), 76-77.

1987Dan Cameron, NY Art Now: The Saatchi Collection, exhibition catalogue, Saatchi Gallery, London (Milan: Politi, 1987).

1987Generatons of Geometry, exhibition catalogue, Whitney Museum of American Art at Equitable Center (New York, NY: Whitney Museum of Art, 1987).

1987Howard N. Fox, Avante Garde in the Eighties, exhibition catalogue, Los Angeles County Museum of Art (Los Angeles, CA: Museum Associates, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1987), 9.

1987John Chamberlain, Peter Halley, Hubert Kiecol, Gunter Tuzina, exhibition catalogue, Reinhard Onnasch Galerie (Berlin, Germany: 1987), 9-10.

1987Michael Auping, Abstraction, Geometry, Painting: Selected Geometric Abstract Painting in America Since 1945, exhibition catalogue (New York: H.N. Abrams; Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1987).

1987New York Now, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel (catalogue)

1987Perverted by Language, Hillwood Art Gallery, Long Island University, Greenvale, NY (curated by Robert Nickas, catalogue)

1987Post-Abstract Abstraction, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, CT (curated by Eugene Schwartz, catalogue)

1987Recent Tendencies in Black and White, Sidney Janis Gallery, New York (curated by Jerry Saltz, catalogue)

1987Reconstruct/Deconstruct, John Gibson Gallery, New York (curated by Robert Nickas, catalogue)

1987Reinhard Onnasch Galerie, Berlin (catalogue)

1987Richard Armstrong, 1987 Biennial Exhibition, exhibition catalogue (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art in association with W.W. Norton, 1987).

1987Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo, The New Poverty, exhibition catalogue, (New York: John Gibson Gallery, 1987).

1987"Anti-Baudrillard," File Magazine, n. 28 (1987): 110–119.

1987"On Line," in Blasted Allegories, edited by Brian Wallis (Cambrigde, MA: The MIT Press, 1987), 329-334.

1987“Notes on Abstraction,” Arts Magazine (June 1987).

1987“Simili-Art,” Connaissance des Arts, n. 428 (Oct 1987): 94–95.

1987(Show Advertisment), Arts Magazine, v.62, n.2 (Oct 1987): 4.

1987Andrew Graham-Dixon, “Neo-Geo,” Vogue, British edition (Sep 1987): 360–362, 408.

1987Carter Ratcliff, “I Like the Free World,” Artforum (Feb 1987): 88.

1987Claudia Hart, "Intuitive Sensitivity: an Interview with Peter Halley and Meyer Vaisman," Artscribe (Nov–Dec 1987): 36–39.

1987Claudia Hart, "Ti Shan Hsu," Artscribe International, n. 63 (May 1987): 52-56.

1987Dan Cameron, “In the Path of Peter Halley,” Arts Magazine (Dec 1987): 70–73.

1987Dan Cameron, “New American Art,” Art & Design, v. 3 (1987): 33–43.

1987Demetrio Paparoni, "Geometrismo post-pittorico," Tema Celeste, n.10 (Feb-Mar 1987): 23 - 27.

1987Eleanor Heartney, “The Hot New Cool Art: Simulationism,” Art News, v. 86, n. 1 (Jan 1987): 130–137

1987Enrico Comi, "On Similia/Dissimilia," Spazio Umano/Human Space, n. 4 (1987): 78.

1987Fred Felhau, “Spotlight: Donald Judd and Peter Halley,” Flash Art (Summer 1987): 93.

1987Lilly Wei, “Talking Abstract II,” Art in America (Dec 1987): 120–121,171. Cover

1987Mariuccia Casadio, “Bickerton, Halley, Koons e Vaisman: Le premesse teoriche dell’oggestto americano,” Vanity (Jul–Aug 1987): 118–123.

1987Mark Stevens, “Neo-Geo: Art’s Computer Hum,” Newsweek, 16 Nov 1987, 119.

1987Matthew Collings, "Posthumous Meaning," Artscribe International, n.65 (Sep/Oct 1987): 44 - 49.

1987P.H. Meyer, “Peter Halley,” Juliet Art Magazine, n. 31 (Apr–May 1987): 11, 24.

1987Robert Pincus-Witten, “Entries: Electro-Static Cling or the Massacre of Innocence,” Artscribe International (Summer 1987): 36–41.

1987Sarah McFadden, "Hate it or Love it, It's a Must-See," Connoisseur, (April 1987): 32 - 33.

1987Steven Henry Madoff, “Purgatory’s Way,” Arts Magazine (Mar 1987): 16–19.

1987Stuart Morgan, “Art: A Different Stripe,” Vogue, British edition (Sep 1987): 32–36, 46.

1987Tatsumi Shinoda, "Peter Halley," Bijutsu Techo, v. 39, n. 588 (Dec 1987): 40 - 41.

1987Tatsumi Shinoda, “Peter Halley,” Bijustu-Techo (Dec 1987): 38–41.

1987Thomas Wulffen, “Tuzina, Halley, Chamberlain, Kiecol,” Artscribe International (Nov–Dec 1987): 79–80.

1987Thomas Zaunschirmer and Alexander Puhringer, “Neo-Conceptualists: The New York Scene,” Noemia Art Magazine (Apr–May 1987): cover, 18–38.

1987Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo, “Radical Consumption and the New Poverty: A Discourse on Irony and Superfluity,” New Observations, n. 51 (Oct 1987): 2–23.

1988Sotheby's, Auction Catalogue, New York, May 12, 1988 (Contemporary Art)

1988Jeanne Siegel, "Art Talk 2: Discourse on the Early 80s" (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1988) 8, 12, 180, 229, 234, 235-39, 240, 241-43.

1988Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue, Jablonka Gallery (Cologne, Germany: ORT, Berlin, 1988).

1988A Debate on Abstraction: Systems and Abstraction, The Bertha and Karl Leubsdorf Art Gallery, Hunter College, New York (catalogue)

1988American Art of the Late 80s: The Binational, Museum of Fine Arts and Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA; travelled to Städtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, Germany; Kunsthalle, Bremen, Germany; Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart, Germany (catalogue)

1988Art at the End of the Social, The Rooseum, Malmö, Sweden (curated by Collins & Milazzo, catalogue)

1988Australian Biennale, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; travelled to National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia (catalogue)

1988Christos M. Joachimides, "Museum der Avantgarde di Sammlung Sonnabend New York," exhibition catalogue, Reina Sofia Art Center (Madrid, Spain: Electra, 1988), 194,195.

1988Collection Sonnabend: 25 Years of Selection and Activity, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid; traveled to CAPC Musée d'art contemporain, Bordeaux, France; Art Cologne, Cologne, Germany; Hamburger Bahnhof Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin; Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, Rome; Museo d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Trento, Italy; Musée Rath, Geneva; Sezon Museum of Art, Tokyo; Miyagi Museum of Art, Sendai, Japan; f*ckuyama Museum of Art, Hiroshima, Japan; National Museum of Art, Kyoto, Japan (catalogue)

1988Cultural Geometry, Deste Foundation for Contemporary Art, Athens (curated by Jeffrey Deitch, catalogue)

1988Hybrid Neutral, Modes of Abstraction and the Social, I.C.I. Exhibition: University Art Gallery, The University of North Texas, Denton, TX; travelled to J.B. Speed Art Museum, Louisville, KY; Alberta College of Art, Alberta, Canada; The Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH; Richard F. Brush Art Gallery, Gainesville, FL; Santa Fe Community College Art Gallery, Gainesville, FL (curated by Collins & Milazzo, catalogue)

1988John Caldwell, Sarah McFadden, and Joan Simon, Carnegie International, exhibition catalogue (Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Museum of Art, 1988).

1988Robert Nickas, "Bending the Shape of Time" in Primary Structures, exhibition catalogue (Paris: Gilbert Brownstone & CIE, 1988).

1988Three Decades: The Oliver Hoffman Collection, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, (catalogue)

1988Viewpoints: Postwar Painting and Sculpture from the Guggenheim Museum Collection and Major Loans, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York

1988"New York's New Painters 1988 Portfolio," (1988): cover, 1.

1988"Prints and Photographs Published," The Print Collector's Newsletter, v.xix, n.1 (Mar-April 1988): 18.

1988Achille Bonita Oliva, “Neo-America,” Flash Art (Jan–Feb 1988): 62–66.

1988Adam Gopnik, “The Originals,” New Yorker, 23 May 1988, 68–71.

1988Allen S. Laughon and Sean B. Carroll, " Inside the Homeobox," The Sciences, (Mar-Apr 1988): 42.

1988Bob Colacello, "At Home On the Art Ranch," Vanity Fair, v.51, n.4 (Apr 1988): 110-116.

1988Charles Gandy, "60s 90s", House and Garden, v.160, n.4 (Apr 1988): 128-135

1988Daniela Morera, “Art Now,” L’Uomo Vogue (Dec 1988): 138–139.

1988David Carrier, “Baudrillard as Philosopher, or, The End of Abstract Painting,” Arts Magazine (Sep 1988): 52–60.

1988Dodie Kazanjian, “Collins & Milazzo, Talent Scouts,” House & Garden (Dec 1988): 74.

1988Enrico Comi, "Ileana Sonnabend, Great Lady of Art," Spazio Umano, n.8 (May 1988): 6-7

1988Gianfranco Mantegna, "Tecnologia trascendentale: Peter Halley; The Transcendence of Technology: Peter Halley," Tema Celeste (Dec 1987–Feb 1988): 34–36, 71–72.

1988Herbert Muschamp, "Forward into the Futurama," House and Garden, v.160, n.9 (Sep 1988): 74.

1988Hiroko Tanaka, “Peter Halley,” Hi Fashion, n. 166 (Feb 1988): 150–151.

1988Jeanne Siegel, "Art Talk: The Early 80s," (New York: Da Capo Press, 1988), 46, ill., 52-53, ill.

1988Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, "On Peter Halley: Collected Essays 1981 - 87," Artforum, v.xxvii, n.3 (Nov 1988): 19-20

1988Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, “Non-representation in 1988: Meaning Production Beyond the Scope of the Pious,” Arts Magazine (May 1988): 30–39.

1988Kathryn Hixson, "Art Press Review," New Art Examiner, v.16, n.4 (Dec 1988): 17-18

1988Liliana Albertazzi, "Maria De Corral," Galleries Magazine, n.23 (Feb-Mar 1988): 109-111

1988Lisa Liebmann, "Ross Bleckner's Mood Indigo," Artnews, v.97, n.5 (May 1988): 128 - 133.

1988Margaret Sundell and Thomas Beller, "An Interview with Peter Halley,” Splash (Summer 1988).

1988Mel Bochner, "Ileana Sonnabend," Galeries Magazine, n.25 (Jun-Jul 1988): 108-117.

1988Michel Segard, “Peter Halley,” New Art Examiner (June 1988): 43.

1988Paul Taylor, “Spotlight: Cultural Geometry,” Flash Art (May–June 1988): 124–125.

1988Ronald Jones, “Hover Culture,” Artscribe (Summer 1988): 50–51.

1988Ronald Jones, “Peter Halley,” Artscribe (Summer 1988): 85.

1988Russell Bowman, "Director's Report," Milwaukee Art Museum 1988 Annual Report (1988): 8-11.

1988Thomas McEvilley, “Marginalia,” Artforum (May 1988): 11–12.

1988William Grimes, "How to Talk Art," Avenue, (Feb 1988): 102-105

1988Peter Halley: Collected Essays 1981–1987 (Zürich: Bruno Bischofberger Gallery, 1988).

1989Bernhard Bürgi, 256 Farben & Basics on Form (Zurich: Konstruktive und Konkrete Kunst Zurich, 1989), 25–26

198910 + 10: Contemporary Soviet and American Painters, exhibition catalogue, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1989).

1989A Climate of Site, Galerie Barbara Farber, Amsterdam (curated by Robert Nickas, catalogue)

1989Abstraction in Question, John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL (catalogue); travelled to Center for the Fine Arts, Miami

1989Abstraction–Geometry–Painting, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY; travelled to Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, FL; Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI; Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT (catalogue)

1989Alred Birnbaum, Our Thresholds: What's In-Between Here and There, exhibition catalogue, Workshop for Architecture and Urbanism (Tokyo, Japan: In-Between Planning Committee, 1989) "Deployment of the Geometric" by Peter Halley

1989Buena Vista, John Gibson Gallery, New York (curated by Collins & Milazzo, catalogue)

1989Daniel Templon, "Musee Temporaire," exhibition catalogue, Foundation Daniel Templon (Paris, France: Frejus, 1989): 68-69.

1989Gober, Halley, Kessler, Wool: Four Artists from New York, Kunstverein, Munich (catalogue)

1989Horn of Plenty, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (catalogue)

1989Nonrepresentation: The Show of the Essay, Anne Plumb Gallery, New York (catalogue); travelled to Security Pacific Corporation, Los Angeles (curated by Jeremy Gilbert-Rolfe, catalogue)

1989Projects and Portfolios: The 25th National Print Exhibition, Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY (catalogue)

1989Prospect 89, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt am Main (catalogue)

1989Psychological Abstraction, Deste Foundation for Contemporary Art, Athens (catalogue)

1989Re-Presenting the 80s, Simon Watson Gallery, New York (catalogue)

1989Science–Technology–Abstraction: Art at the End of the Decade, University Art Galleries, Wright State University, Dayton, OH (catalogue)

1989Wittgenstein: The Play of the Unsayable, Wiener Secession, Vienna, Austria; travelled to Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels (catalogue)

1989"Flatland," Tema Celeste, v.vii, n.1 (Jan-Mar 1989): cover, 32-35

1989"Goings on About Town," The New Yorker, (Dec 11, 1989): 21.

1989"The Political Picasso: Anarchism Unveiled," Arts Magazine, v.63, n.10 (Summer 1989): 27.

1989Ann Berman, "The Art Wheel of Fortune," Avenue, (Feb 1989): 104-105.

1989Christian Leigh, "Into the Blue," Art & Auction (May 1989): 268.

1989Christian Leigh, “The Silent Baroque,” Balcon, n. 5–6 (1989): 56–65.

1989David Batchelor, "A Man in a Sombrero Frying an Egg," Artscribe (Summer 1989): 95.

1989Demetrio Paparoni, "Silence and Meaning. Peter Halley," Tema Celeste (Jul–Sep 1989): 55–57.

1989Demetrio Paparoni, “Silenzio e Significato: A Conversation Between Peter Halley and Demetrio Paparoni,” Tema Celeste (Oct–Dec 1989): 51–53.

1989Demetrio Paparoni, Michelangelo Castello, Specchi Ustori (Italy: Tema Celeste, 1989), 35 -40

1989Edition Schellmann 1969-1989, exhibition catalogue, Tatyana Grossman Gallery (New York, NY: Edition Schellmann, 1989), 127 - 132.

1989Hiroko Tamaka, "Art is Beautiful: Interviews with New York," Kawade Shobo Shinsha (1991): 165-168

1989Isabelle Graw, “Spotlight: The American Bi-National,” Flash Art (Jan–Feb 1989): 108–109.

1989James Hall, "Neo-Geo's Batchelor Artists," Arts International (Winter 1989): 34.

1989Jerry Saltz, "Playing for Keeps," House and Garden, (October 1989): 162-169.

1989John Miller, “Peter Halley’s Geometry and the Social,” Artscribe (Mar–Apr 1989): 64

1989Jorge Luis Marzo, “L’abstracció geomètrica americana. L’ingrés en el social: Peter Halley i la crítica tecnològica,” Quaderns: Fundació Caixa de Pensions (Sep 1989): cover, 40–50.

1989Kenneth Baker, “Review: Carnegie International, Carnegie Museum of Art,” Artforum (Mar 1989): 138–139.

1989Robert Vidali, "Translations," Juliet, n.45 (Dec 1989): 16-18.

1989Sara Barrett, "My Kid could do that," Spy, (June 1989): 102 - 111.

1989Steve DiBenedetto, Peter Halley, Robert Nickas, "Climates of Site," Arena, n.0 (Jan 1989): 48-57.

1989Tema Celeste (Jan 1989)

1989The New Museum of Contemporary Art, Auction catalogue, New York, 1989, Twelfth Anniversary Benefit Auction.

1989Waldemar Januszczak, “Art,” Hanatsubaki, n. 474 (Dec 1989): 40.

1989Walter Robinson, "Back to the Future," Elle, v.iv, n.5 (Jan 1989) 82 - 84.

1989Peter Halley: Recent Paintings, exhibition catalogue, Krefelder Kunstmuseen, Museum Haus Esters, Krefeld, Germany.

1989Peter Halley, Recent Paintings, Institute of Contemporary Art (London, England: 1989)

1989Wendy Weitman, "For 20 Years: Editions Schellmann," MOMA Members Quarterly, v.2, n.2 (Fall 1989): 4.

1990D. M., “The Labyrinths of the Artist,” L’Hebdo, Paris, 17 Apr 1992, 93.

1990Eleanor Heartney, Judith Russi Kirshner, et al, The Refco Collection (Chicago: Refco Group, 1990), 70–71.

1990Hiroko Tamaka, "Art is Fantastic: Interviews with 25 New York Artist (Tokyo: Masaru Shimizu, 1990), 165-168.

1990Scritti Sull'Arte ed Altro, Italian translation of Collected Essays (Siracusa, Italy: Tema Celeste, 1990).

1990Xavier Girard, Art Collectors, Volume 1 (Paris: editions numero 5, 1990), 206-219.

1990Yves J. Hayat and Florette Camard, Art Collectors, Volume 2 (Paris: Editions Numero 5, 1990), 206–219.

1990Anna Moszynska, Abstract Art (World of Art) (London: Thames and Hudson, 1990), cover, 6, 227–228.

1990Edward Lucie-Smith, Art in the Eighties (New York: Phaidon Press, 1990).

1990Giancarlo Politi and Helena Kontova, eds., Flash Art: Two Decades of History, XXI Years (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1990), 178.

1990“Ronald Jones, Marcel Duchamp, and The New South,” in Ronald Jones, exhibition catalogue (San Jose: Museum of Art, 1990).

1990“The City as Festival,” in Robert Tannen: REPROspective evitcepsORPER, exhibition catalogue (New Orleans: Contemporary Art Center, 1990).

1990Curtis L. Carter, Images of Death in Contemporary Art, exhibition catalogue, The Patrick and Beatrice Haggerty Museum of Art (Milwaukee, WI: Marquette University, 1990), 29-34.

1990Julian Heyman, Weitersehen 1980-1990, exhibition catalogue, Museen Haus Lange und Haus Esters (Krefelder, Germany: Krefelder Kunstmuseen und die Kunstler, 1990), 42, 47.

1990Kunst in New York: Umweg Moderne / Modern Detour: R.M. Fischer, Peter Halley, Laurie Simmons: Wiener Secession, 19. Oktober bis 2. Dezember 1990 (Wiener Secession, 1990).

1990Red, Galerie Isy Brachot, Brussels (curated by Robert Nickas, catalogue)

1990The Future of the Object! A Selection of American Art: Minimalism and After, Galerie Ronny Van de Velde, Antwerp, Belgium (catalogue)

1990The Last Decade: American Artists of the 80s, Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York (curated by Collins & Milazzo, catalogue)

1990Un Art de la Distinction? The Art of Distinction?, Abbaye Saint-André, Centre d'Art Contemporain, Meymac, France (catalogue)

1990Word as Image: American Art 1960–1990, Milwaukee Art Museum, Milwaukee, WI (catalogue); travelled to Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, TX; Oklahoma City Art Museum, Oklahoma City, OK

1990Brooks Adams, “Peter Halley at Sonnabend,” Art in America (Mar 1990): 195–196.

1990Catherine Marron, "The Pleasure of Their Company," House and Garden, (Oct 1990): 188.

1990Deborah Solomon, "Geometry Lessons," House and Garden, (Aug 1990): 88.

1990Giancarlo Politi, "Peter Halley," Flash Art, n. 150 (Jan–Feb 1990): 81–87.

1990Gretchen Faust, “Peter Halley,” Arts Magazine (May 1990): 112–113.

1990Jan Avgikos, "Tell Them it Was Wonderful," Artscribe (Mar–Apr 1990): 67.

1990Rainer Metzger, “Peter Halley, Julian Opie, Giulio Paladino,” Flash Art (Oct 1990): 162–163.

1990Robert Mahoney, "New York in Review," Arts Magazine, v.64, n.7 (Feb 1990): 101.

1990The Paris Review, v.32, n.116 (Fall 1990): 6.

1990“The Americans,” in Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue (Boston: Mario Diacono Gallery, 1990).

1991Edition Schellmann, auction catalogue, Munich-New York, 1991 [graphics 5].

1991Kathryn Hixson, "Peter Halley at Rhona Hoffman," Gallery Guide, v.ii, n.9 (May 1991): 9.

1991Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue, Museo Nacional Reina Sofia, Madrid.

19911991 Biennial Exhibition, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York (catalogue)

1991American Abstraction at the Addison, Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, MA; travelled to Cheekwood-Tennessee Botanical Gardens and Museum of Art, Nashville, TN; Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS; Huntsville Museum of Art, Huntsville, AL; C.A.J. Memorial Gallery, Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, CA; Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago; Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV (curated by Jock Reynolds, catalogue)

1991American Abstraction at the Addison, Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, MA; travelled to Cheekwood-Tennessee Botanical Gardens and Museum of Art, Nashville, TN; Wichita Art Museum, Wichita, KS; Huntsville Museum of Art, Huntsville, AL; C.A.J. Memorial Gallery, Newport Harbor Art Museum, Newport Beach, CA; Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago; Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, WV (curated by Jock Reynolds, catalogue)

1991Art of the 1980s: Selections from the Collection of the Eli Broad Family Foundation, Duke University Museum of Art, Durham, NC (booklet)

1991Christos M. Joachimides and Norman Rosenthal, Metropolis, exhibition catalogue

1991Conceptual Abstraction, Sidney Janis Gallery, New York (catalogue)

1991Contemporary Art from The Collection of Jason Rubell, Duke University Art Museum, Durham, NC (catalogue)

1991In anderen Raumen, Krefelder Kunstmuseen, Museum Haus Lange and Museum Haus Esters, Krefeld, Germany (catalogue)

1991Luciano Caramel, Reggiani, exhibition catalogue, (Milan, Italy: Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri, 1991), 31.

1991Maria de Corral and Peter Halley, Peter Halley (Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, 1991).

1991Metropolis: International Art Exhibition Berlin 1991, Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin (catalogue)

1991Objects for the Ideal Home: The Legacy of Pop Art, Serpentine Gallery, London (catalogue)

1991Power: Its Myths and Mores in American Art, 1961–1991, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN; travelled to Akron Art Museum, Akron, OH; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, VA (catalogue)

1991Robert Nickas, 1969 (New York: Daniel Newburg Gallery, 1991).

1991Sélection, exhibition catalogue (Pully/Lausanne, Switzerland: FAE Musee d’art contemporain, 1991).

1991The Painted Desert: Le Desert Peint, Galerie Renos Xippas, Paris (curated by Robert Nickas, catalogue)

1991Vertigo, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Paris (curated by Christian Leigh, catalogue)

1991"Prints and Photographs Published," The Print Collector's Newsletter, v.xxii, n.5 (November-December 1991): 175

1991“Geometry and the Social,” Balcon, n. 8–9 (1991).

1991Bill Jones, "Peter Halley, Robert Rauschenberg, Mel Bochner," n.30 (Mar-Apr 1991): 85.

1991James Hillman, “The Repression of Beauty,” Tema Celeste (May–June 1991): 58–64.

1991Jerome Sans, “Peter Halley,” Beaux Arts (Dec 1991): 107–109.

1991Steve di Benedetto, "Site and Non-Site," Flash Art (Nov–Dec 1991): 100–102.

1991Susan Kandel, "L.A. in Review," Arts Magazine, v.65, n.7 (March 1991): 107

1991The Paris Review, n. 119 (Summer 1991): cover.

1991William Norwich, "People are Talking About," Vogue, (Nov 1991): 101.

1991Peter Halley: Works from 1982 - 1991, exhibition catalogue (Bordeaux, France, CAPC Musee d'art contemporain)

1992La Crise de la Géométrie et Autre Essais 1981–1987, French translation of Collected Essays (Paris: École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, 1992).

1992Landscape Untitled: Peter Halley, Albert Oehlen, Christopher Wool, Galeria Senda, Barcelona (booklet)

1992“Abstract Space,” in Through the Looking Glass: Artists First Encounters with Virtual Reality, exhibition catalogue (New York: Jack Tilton Gallery,1992).

1992Michael Danoff, "Peter Halley Paintings 1989 - 1992," Des Moines Art Center (Des Moines, IA: 1992)

1992"On the Cover: Peter Halley at the FAE Museum of Contemporary Art," Gallery Guide, v.2, n.4 (Mar/Apr 1992): cover, 8.

1992Barry A. Rosenberg, The City of influence, exhibition catalogue, The Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art (Ridgefield, CT: 1992), 9 - 14.

1992David Perreau, “The artists associated with Neo-Geo,” It’s Not the End of the World (Rennes: Centre d’histoire de l’art contemporain, 1992).

1992Jordan Doner, Peter Halley: Beyond Art and Commerce Toward A Philosophy of Manic Optimism (Paris: Thaddaeus Ropac, 1992).

1992Psycho: Inaugural Exhibition, KunstHall, New York (catalogue)

1992Ross Bleckner, Richmond Burton, Peter Halley, Philip Taaffe, Rubenstein/Diacono Gallery, New York (catalogue)

1992The City Influence: Ross Bleckner, Peter Halley, Jonathan Lasker, The Dayton Art Institute Museum of Contemporary Art at Wright State University, Dayton, OH (catalogue)

1992Theoretically Yours, Regione Autonoma della Valle d'Aosta, Chiesa di San Lorenzo, Aosta, Italy (curated by Collins & Milazzo, catalogue)

1992Who’s Afraid of Duchamp, Minimalism, and Passport Photography?, Annina Nosei Gallery, New York (curated by Collins & Milazzo, catalogue)

1992"Abstraction and Culture," Tema Celeste, n.35 (Apr-Jun 1992): 45-48.

1992"Goings on About Town," The New Yorker, v.lxvii, n.14 (May 25, 1992): 17

1992“Openings: Scott Grodesky,” Artforum (Nov 1992): 102.

1992“Peter Halley Proves His Rights,” Flash Art International, n. 166 (Oct 1992): 122.

1992Alolo Palazzolo, "Lettere Al Direttore," Tema Celeste, n.35 (Apr-Jun 1992): 84.

1992Celia Montolio, “Geometrías escondidas,” Revista Internacional de Arte Lapiz, n. 88 (1992): 32–43.

1992Chantal Michetti-Prod’Hom, “Géométrie et société,” IAS Ingénieurs et Architectes Suisses, n. 11, 13 May 1992, 230–233.

1992David Bourdon, “Seeing It All, or Six Weeks in Manhattan Galleries,” Art in America (Sep 1992): 51–61.

1992Elio Cappucio, "Intervista exclusiva Arthur C. Danto," Segno, v.xvi, n. 9-10 (Oct-Nov 1992): 40-42.

1992Francoise-Helene Brou, "Peter Halley," Scenes Magazine, n.58 (May 1992): 70.

1992Marja Bloem, "Peter Halley Schilderijen 1982 - 1991," Bulletin, (Sep 1992): 52 - 54.

1992Michael Schwartz, "Peter Halley," Galleries Magazine, n.5 (Dec/Jan 1992): cover, 78-87.

1992Monica Geran, "The Alchemy of Art, " Interior Design, v.63, n.6 (Apr 1992): 140-143.

1992Renee Steenbergen, “Schilderijen van Peter Halley in Stedelijk Museum: Biografie in fluorescerend gekleurde vierkanten,” Kunst, Amsterdam, 30 Sep 1992, 10.

1992Robert Fleck, “Peter Halley, Broad Conduit Boogie-Woogie,” Flash Art (Summer 1992): 109.

1992Scott Grodesky, "Openings: Peter Halley," Artforum, (Nov 1992): 102.

1992Galeries Magazine, no 46, December - January

1993Adam Simon, At Four Walls: the Neurotic Art Show (New York: Four Walls, 1993).

1993Skowhegan 93, Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, ME (booklet)

1993Bernard Kerber, Best ande Onnasch, exhibition catalogue, Museum Weserburg (Bremen, Germany: Ludwig Vegt, 1993), 280-82.

1993Drawing the Line Against AIDS, AmFAR Art Against AIDS, Venice Biennale, Venice

1993Italia-America, L'Astrazione Ridefinita, Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna, San Marino, Italy (curated by Demetrio Paparoni, catalogue)

1993Les Amis des Musées de Verviers: Aspects de la mouvance construite internationale, Fondation Pro Mesures Art International, Verviers, Belgium (catalogue)

1993Live in Your Head, Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst and Galerie Metropol, Vienna (curated by Robert Nickas, catalogue)

1993Living with Art: The Collection of Ellyn & Saul Dennison, The Morris Museum, Morris, NJ (catalogue)

1993New York Painters, Sammlung Goetz, Munich (catalogue)

1993Yale Collects Yale, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT

1993"My Portrait by Andy," Frieze, n.16 (May 1994): 40.

1993"Pictorial Computer Society," Hangwa Geijutsu, n.82 (1993), 150-153.

1993"Recent Accessions," Des Moines Art Center News, (Jul-Aug 1993): 2.

1993"Sieg der FotoKunst," Capital, n.11 (Nov 1993): 228.

1993“Some Notes on the Computer Landscape,” Tema Celeste, n. 40 (Spring 1993): 51.

1993Aimee C. Shieh, "Halley/Sonnabend Suit Settled," New Art Examiner (Sep 1993): 9.

1993Arturo Schwarz, “One Show Not to Miss,” Segno (1993): 39–40.

1993Charles Warren, “Seize the Apparatus,” Tema Celeste (Spring 1993): 45–49.

1993Design Quarterly, n. 159 (Spring 1993), cover.

1993Laurie Ziegler, “The Ties that Bind,” New Art Examiner (Summer 1993): 12–17.

1993Michael Corris and Robert Nickas, “Punishment and Decoration, Art in the Age of Militant Superficiality.” Artforum (Apr 1993): 81.

1993Peter Halley, "Etter Kunsten," Kunstnere Om Kunst, (1993): 221 - 226.

1993Sean McGee, "Schnappschub," Manner Vogue, (Mar 1993): 147.

1993Stefan Römer, “Peter Halley,” Kunstforum (1993): 351.

1993Terry R. Myers, “Peter Halley,” Art Issues (Jan–Feb 1993): 38.

1993Wall Works, Edition Schellmann, Cologne, Germany

199465 Thompson Street, Auction Catalogue, New York, 1993 [Merce Cunningham Dance Company Benefit Art Sale].

1994Christies, "Red Windows," Auction Catalogue, New York, 1994

1994MoCa Los Angeles, Auction Catalogue, Los Angeles, 1994 [Sixth Biennial Art Auction].

1994David Carrier, "The Aesthete in the City: The Philosophy and Practice of American Abstract Painting in the 198s (University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994), 95, 99.

1994Robert Nickas, "A Rejected Text" in ACME Journal, (Vol 1 No.3 1994): 83.

1994Adam Simon, At Four Walls: Terminal Instructions (From the Technocracy) (New York: Four Walls, 1994), 7-35.

1994“Intersection,” in The Use of Pleasure, exhibition catalogue (San Francisco: Terrain Gallery, 1994).

199430 Years: Art in the Present Tense, The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum, Ridgefield, CT (catalogue)

1994Come dire, splendori, Pontormo Rosso Gallery, Carmignano, Italy (catalogue)

1994Come Dire, Splendori: Massimo Barzagli, Paolo Fabiani, Peter Halley, Andres Serrano, exhibition catalogue (Carmignano, Italy, 1994)

1994Cross and Square Grids, Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, Japan

1994Das Americas, Galeria Luisa Strina, São Paulo, Brazil (catalogue)

1994Don’t Look Now, Thread Waxing Space, New York (catalogue)

1994Elvis + Marilyn: 2 x Immortal, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, MA (catalogue)

1994Guillermo Ferrer, Used Shoes and Artists Workshops, exhibition catalogue, Fundacio Pilar: Joan Miro (Mallorca, Spain: Camper, Apr - May 1994).

1994Peter Halley, "Nature and Culture," Fionnuala Ni Chiosain, exhibition catalogue, Kerlin Gallery, Dublin (Dublin: Kerlin Gallery, cornerhouse, 1994): 3-6.

1994Punishment + Decoration, Hohenthal und Bergen, Cologne, Germany

1994The Use of Pleasure, Terrain Gallery, San Francisco, CA (curated by Robert Nickas)

1994“My Portrait by Andy,” Frieze, n. 16 (May 1994): 40.

1994Caroline M. Sharp, "That's Right," Bomb Magazine, (Summer 1994): 72.

1994Gilles Fuchs And Nina Ricci, "The Ideal Blend," Galleries Magazine, n.61 (Oct/Nov 1994): 94.

1994Jeffrey Slonim, “Sister Acts, Take Two,” Artforum (Mar 1994): 8.

1994Mark Rosenthal, “Critiques of Pure Abstraction,” Atelier Magazine (Sep 1994): cover, 68–69.

1994Owen Drolet, “Peter Halley/Grand Salon,” Flash Art (Oct 1994): 95.

1994Peter Halley, "Some notes on the Computer Landscape," Katalog, v.6, n.4 (June 1994): 26 - 28.

1994Reba White Williams, "News of the Print World," The Print Collector's Newsletter, v.xxv, n.4 (Sep-Oct 1994): 140.

1994“Statement,” in Peter Halley: Mono-Reliefs, exhibition catalogue (New York: Grand Salon, 1994).

1994Peter Halley: Mono-Reliefs, exhibition catalogue (New York: Grand Salon, 1994).

1994Neue Mobel Fur Die Villa: New Furniture for the Villa, Galerie Der Stadt Esslingen Am Neckar, 1994

1995FIAC 3 - 9, Auction Catalogue, Paris, FR, Oct 1995 [Auction]: 204, 256.

1995Charles A. Riley, Color Codes: Modern Theories of Color in Philosophy, Painting and Architecture, Literature, Music, and Psychology (Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1996), 193–195.

1995New York Studio School, (Lecture Series Schedule Flyer), New York Fall 1995 [Fall Evening Lecture Seies 1995]

1995Annegreth Nill, Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue, Dallas Museum of Art (Dallas, TX: DMA, 1995).

1995Giacinto Di Pietrantonio, Fuori Uso '95, exhibition catalogue, Caravanserraglio Arte Contemporanea (Marche, Italy: Umberto Sala Editore, 1995), 71, 117.

1995Images, Masks, and Models, 11, rue Larrey at Sidney Janis Gallery, New York (booklet)

1995Laurie Thompson, Peter Halley: Drawings 1991 - 1995, exhibition catalogue, Greenberg Can Doren Gallery, New York.

1995Peter Halley: Images, Masks, and Models (New York: Sidney Janis Gallery, 1995).

1995“Untitled,” in Benetton Par Toscani, exhibition catalogue (Pully: FAE Musée d’art contemporain, 1995)

1995Altered States, Forum for Contemporary Art, St. Louis, MO (curated by Robert Nickas, catalogue)

1995Critiques of Pure Abstraction, Sarah Campbell Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston, TX (catalogue); travelled to Illingworth Kerr Gallery, Alberta College of Art, Calgary, Canada; Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE; Armand Hammer Museum of Art, Los Angeles; Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA; Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, TX; Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL; Polk Museum of Art, Lakeland, FL; Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis (catalogue)

1995It’s Only Rock and Roll, Phoenix Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ (catalogue)

1995Mario Diacono, Painting at the End of Painting (For "Peter Halley"), exhibition catalogue, Mario Diacono Galler (Boston, MA: 1995).

1995Mesótica Painting, America non-representativa, Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporaneo, San Jose, Costa Rica (catalogue)

1995New York Abstract, Contemporary Arts Center, New Orleans, LA (catalogue)

1995Out Of Use 95: Caravanserraglio Arte Contemporanea, Pescara, Italy

1995Pittura Immedia, Malerei in den 90er Jahren, Landesmuseum Joanneum Graz, Klagenfurt, Austria (catalogue)

1995Private Passions, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris (catalogue) [Passions Privees]

1995Reinventing the Emblem, Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, CT (catalogue)

1995"Galleries - Downtown: Peter Halley/Ettore Sottsass," The New Yorker, v.lxxi, n.19 (July 10, 1995): 15.

1995"Views from Abroad… CD-Sized Art," New York Magazine, v.28, n.27 (July 10, 1995): 74.

1995Benchmarks for the future, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu International, 1995: 16.

1995Charles Dee Mitchell, "Peter Halley at Turner, Byrne & Runyon," Art in America (July 1995): 90–91.

1995David Riminelli, “Peter Halley at Sidney Janis Gallery,” The New Yorker, 4 Dec 1995, 20.

1995Edition Schellmann, Art Editions, n.1 (1995), 119-120.

1995Gini Alhadeff, "Major Barbara," Elle Décor, v.6, n.3 (Jun/Jul 1995), 180.

1995Jeff Rian, “Peter Halley Makes a Move,” Flash Art (Oct 1995): 89–92,128.

1995Miriam Mirolla, "Peter Halley," Vogue Italia, v.8, n.9 (Mar 1995): 364 - 369.

1995Peter Halley, “Images, Masks & Models,” Tema Celeste, n. 53 (Sep 1995), 34 - 38.

1995Robert Atkins, “The Art World & I Go On Line,” Art in America (Dec 1995): cover.

1995Susan Kandel, "The Non-Site of Theory," Frieze, n. 22 (May 1995): 30.

1995“Timothy Greenfield-Sanders,” in Timothy Greenfield-Sanders Selected Portraits 1985–1995, exhibition catalogue (Cologne, Germany: Kunst-Station Sanct Peter, 1996).

1996David Seidner, "The Face of Contemporary Art, (Munich: Gina Kehayoff Verlag, 1996), 24.

1996The University of Buffalo Art Gallery Overview 1995 - 1996 (Buffalo: The artists and writers, 1996), 25-35

1996Peter Halley: Drawings 1991 - 1995, The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vasser College, Pughkeepsie, NY, Jun 7 - Sep 8, 1996.

1996Wolf-Dieter Dube, Hamburger Banhof Museum fur Gegenwart-Berlin (Muich, Germany: Prestel, 1996), 131.

1996“Immigrant Song,” in Collaborations: Warhol, Basquiat, Clemente, exhibition catalogue, Fridericranium Museum, Kassel, and Museum Villa Stuck, Munich (Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz, 1996).

1996Addison Gallery of American Art: 65 Years, Addison Gallery of American Art, Andover, MA (catalogue)

1996Art at the End of the 20th Century: Selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art, National Gallery, Alexander Soutzos Museum, Athens

1996Innovation: American Art Today from the Misumi Art Collection, Kawamura Memorial Museum of Art, Sakura, Japan (catalogue)

1996Marx Collection, Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin (catalogue)

1996Michel Bourel, Minimal Art, exhibition catalogue, KOLDO MITXELENA Kulturunea (Gipuzkoa, Spain: Diputacion Foral de Gipuzkoa, 1996), 122, 178-181.

1996Minimal Art, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, Gipuzkoa, Spain

1996Multiple Identities: Works from the Whitney Museum of American Art, Museu d'Art Contemporani, Barcelona (catalogue); travelled to Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany; Castello di Rivoli Museo d'Arte Contemporanea, Turin, Italy

1996Mythologies and Archetypes: Mirko, Afro, Halley, Cingolani, Fermariello, San Pietro in Afro, Italy (catalogue)

1996New Abstraction, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid (catalogue); travelled to Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Barcelona; Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany

1996Oku Noriyuki, A Boat of Diversity, exhibition catalogue, Tokyo International Forum Art Collection (Tokyo: The Tokyo Metropolitan Government, 1996), 38 - 39.

1996Peter Halley, "Against Postmodernism: Reconsidering Ortega," printed in Alex Coles and Richard Bentley, de-, dis-, ex-. Volume one: Ex-cavating Modernism (London: Backless Books, 1996), 70 - 82.

1996Peter Halley, "The Immigrant Song," printed in Timan Osterworld, collaborations: Warhol - Basquiat - Clemente, exhibition catalogue, Museum Fredericianum Kassel (Kassel, Germany: CANTZ, 1996), 77 - 80.

1996Peter Halley, Timothy Greenfield-Sanders: Selected Portraits 1985-1995, exhibition catalogue, Kunst-Station Sankt Peter (Cologne, Germany: Heichlinger Drukerei, 1996), 1 - 2, 15.

1996Picasso: A Contemporary Dialogue, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria (catalogue)

1996Tokyo International Forum Art Collection, Tokyo (catalogue)

1996“Abstraction and the Linguistic Paradigm,” Tema Celeste, n. 58 (Sep 1996).

1996“Artificial Pleasures: Peter Halley on Rem Koolhaas’ Eurolille,” Frieze n. 126 (Jan–Feb 1996).

1996“Artificial Pleasures: Peter Halley on Rem Koolhaas’ Eurolille,” Frieze, (Jan–Feb 1996).

1996Alexandra Lange, "Chic Simple," New York Magazine, v.29, n.12 (Mar 25, 1996), 70 - 77.

1996Brooks, Adams, "The Abstract Century," Art in America, v. 84, n.7 (July 1996): 57-61.

1996David Rimanelli, "The Art of the Interior," Elle Décor, (Oct/Nov 1996): 211.

1996Demetrio Paparoni, "L'Astrazione Ridefinita," Tema Celeste, n.58 (Autumn 1996), 32-39.

1996Hiromoto Nobuyuki, "Masterpieces of American Acrylics," Bijutsu Techo, v.48, n.730 (1996 Extra Edition): 91.

1996Kay Larson, "What's Wrong with this Picture?," Art News, v.95, n.4 (April 1996): 110 - 111.

1996New York Magazine - Design, March 1996

1996Peter Halley, "Il Silenzio di Giaccio," Tema Celeste, n.58 (Autum 1996): 40 - 44.

1996Peter Halley, "Portraits by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders '74," Columbia College Today, v.22, n.1 (Spring 1996): 24 - 27.

1996Roland Flexner, "Fabric-Made Body," New Observations, n.110 (Jan/Feb 1996): 27.

1997Peter Halley: Recent Essays, 1990–1996, edited by Richard Milazzo (New York: Edgewise Press, 1997).

1997New Concepts in Printmaking 1: Peter Halley, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY (brochure)

1997“Introduction,” in Chris Martin, exhibition catalogue (New York: Pierogi Gallery, 1997).

1997“Franz Erhard Walther,” in Fort! Da! Cooperations, exhibition catalogue, (Ostfildern, Germany: Villa Merkel Galerie der Stadt Esslingen and Hatje Cantz, 1998).

1997After the Fall, Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island, NY

1997Demetrio Paparoni, Theory and its Double, exhibition catalogue (Brescia, Italy: Galleria Massimo Minini, 1997).

1997Fort! Da!, Villa Merkel Galerie der Stadt Esslingen, Esslingen, Germany (catalogue)

1997Growing the Collection of Peter Stuyvesant, Peter Stuyvesant Foundation, Amsterdam

1997“Smithson's Crudity,” Art + Text, n. 56 (Feb–Apr 1997): 25–26.

1997“The 80s and Jewishness,” New Art Examiner, v. 24, n. 9 (June 1997).

1997“The Everyday Today,” in Architecture of the Everyday, edited by Steven Harris and Deborah Berke (Princeton, NJ: Princeton Architectural Press, 1997).

1997Edith Newhall, “On View, The Halley Files,” New York Magazine, 29 Sep 1997.

1997Kimmo Sarje, “New York Neurosis,” Siksi (Spring 1997): 76–79.

1997Luciano Caramel, “Halley: The Anti-Idealist,” Quadri & Sculture, n. 24 (Feb–Mar 1997).

1997Peter Halley, "Smithson's Crudity," Art/Text, n.56 (Feb-Apr 1997): 25-26.

1997Renato Barilli, "Pannelli al fosforo," L'Espresso, v.xlii, n.6 (13 Feb 1997): 159.

1997Robert Rosenblum, “Top Ten,” Artforum (Dec 1997): 84.

1997Sabina Spada, “Peter Halley,” Tema Celeste (Spring 1997).

1997Starr Figura, "A Project for MoMA Magazine: Peter Halley," Museum of Modern Art Magazine, (Fall 1997).

1997Steven Shaviro, “New Concepts in Printmaking I: Peter Halley,” On Paper (Nov–Dec 1997): 42–43.

1998"The Peter Halley Project", SUNY University at Buffalo Art Gallery, exhibition booklet, 1998

1998Pop Abstraction, Pennsylvania Academy of Art, Philadelphia, PA (brochure)

1998Arturo Schwarz, Peter Halley: Utopia’s Diagrams, exhibition catalogue, Tema Celeste Editions and Gabrius Multimedia, Milan.

1998Midori Nishizawa, Peter Halley, Painting as Sociogram 1981 - 1997, exhibition catalogue, Kitayushu Municipal Museum of Art, Kitayushu, Japan.

1998Arteries, Malmö Konsthall, Malmö, Sweden

1998Cleveland Collects, The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (catalogue)

1998Maria de Corral, Anos 80 = The Eighties, exhibition catalogue (Lisbon, Portugal: Culturgest, 1998).

1998“Artforum Top Ten,” Artforum (Summer 1998): 38.

1998“Media for the Next Millennium.“ Hands on Paper, v. 1 n. 1 (1998):24 – 29.

1998“Peter Halley at MoMA,” Tema Celeste (Jan–Mar 1998): 73.

1998Midori Matsui, “Getting Out of the Cell: Peter Halley’s Thinking Geometry,” Bijutsu Techo, v. 50 n. 775 (May 1998): 97–108

1998Nancy Princenthal, “Peter Halley at the Museum of Modern Art,” Art in America (May 1998): 121.

1998Sigrid Nebelung, “In the Net of Lines and Cables,” Art Das Kunstmagazin (Dec 1998): 88–89.

1998The Eighties, Culturgest, Lisbon

1999"Interview with Peter Halley," in Scott Kilgour, "Interspace," (Glascow: Glascow School of Art), 1999.

1999Elisabetta Catalano, Elisabetta Catalano (Rome: AZ Photocomp, 1999)

1999"A Fusion of Architecture and Art," OBAYASHI in Shinigawa Intercity, 1999

1999Demetrio Paparoni, "Timothy Greenfield-Sanders (Milan: Alberico Cetti Serbelloni Editore, 1999), 190-192.

1999Gerhard Finckh, Peter Halley: Bilder der 90er Jahre, exhibition catalogue, Museum Folkwang, Essen, Germany.

1999Obayashi Corporation Public Relations Department, A Collaboration Between Architecture and Contempoary Art, exhibition catalogue, Obayashi Corporation, Tokyo, Japan.

1999Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue, Waddington Galleries. (London, England: Waddington Galleries and Wayne Koestenbaum, 1999).

1999Abstrakt, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria

1999Geometry as Form: Structures of Modern Art from Albers to Paik, Sammlung DaimlerChrysler Collection, Stuttgart; traveled to Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin (catalogue)

1999Post-Hypnotic, University Galleries, Illinois State University, Normal, IL; travelled to McKinney Avenue Contemporary, Dallas, TX; Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, OH; Atlanta College of Art Gallery, Atlanta, GA; Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago; Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, Winston-Salem, NC; Tweed Museum, University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN; Philharmonic Center for the Arts, Naples, FL

1999The American Century, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

1999Wallworks, Paula Cooper Gallery, New York (catalogue)

1999"Exhibition Highlight,” Wolgan Misool (Nov 1999): 156.

1999“Pop Secret: Nickolaus Krushenick,” Artforum (May 1999): 68.

1999Alfred MacAdam, “Peter Halley: Grant Selwyn Fine Art,” Artnews (Summer 1999): 153.

1999Craig Garret, "Interview with Peter Halley,” art magazine (Nov 1999): 97.

1999Daniel Birnbaum, "Peter Halley: Grant Selwyn Fine Art, New York,” Artforum (Sep 1999): 163.

1999Demetrio Paparoni, "Peter Halley: Waddington Galleries, London; Grant Selwyn Fine Art, New York,” Tema Celeste (Aug–Sep 1999): 75–76.

1999Gian Castelli, "Despues del Arte: Peter Halley," Artey Parte, n. 24, (Dec 1999 - Jan 2000): 80-86.

1999Jamie Lowe, "Limited-edition Walls," House and Garden, (Sep 1999): 80.

1999Jeon Hye-Sook, "A Geometric Parody of Social Oppression," Monthly Art, Vo II, (Nov 1999): 156.

1999Julia Lewis, "Wall to Wall," Interior Design, (Aug 1999): 154-159.

1999Matthew Collings, “Higher Beings Command: Peter Halley,” Modern Painters (Summer 1999): 63.

1999Noemi Smolik, “Peter Halley: Work as Structure,” Kunstforum International (May–June 1999): 305–311.

1999Oliver Kalus, "Peter Halley," Kunstler Kritisches Lexikon der Gegenwartskunst (2nd Quarter 1999).

1999Reinhard Ermen, “Peter Halley: ‘Bilder der 90er Jahre,’ Museum Folkwang, Essen,” Kunstforum International (Mar–Apr 1999): 353–354.

1999Sarah Kent, "Waddington's,” Time Out London, 19 May 1999.

1999Tai-gun Yun, “Peter Halley: Exhibition review,” ARTWORLD (Nov 1999): 181.

2000Alfred Nemeczek, The Picture of Art (Hamburg, Germany: Verlag Gruner + Jahr, 2000).

2000Matthew Collings, This is Modern Art (New York: Watson-Guptill Publications, 2000).

2000Cory Reynolds, ed.,Peter Halley: Maintain Speed (New York: Distributed Art Publishers, 2000).

2000Gian Enzo Sperone, Torino Roma New York, (New York: Hopefulmonster, 2000) 466.

2000American Art: The Last Decade, Loggetta Lombardesca, Ravenna, Italy (catalogue)

2000Around 1984: A Look at Art in the Eighties, MoMA P.S.1, Long Island City, NY (catalogue)

2000Glee: Painting Now, Palm Beach Institute of Contemporary Art, Lake Worth, FL; Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art, Ridgefield, CT (catalogue)

2000Hard Pressed: 600 Years of Prints and Process, AXA Gallery, New York (catalogue)

2000Out of Order: Mapping Social Space, CU Art Galleries, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO; travelled to Carleton College Art Gallery, Northfield, MN; Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, PA; Atlanta Contemporary Art Center, GA; Santa Barbara Contemporary Art Forum, CA (catalogue)

2000Out of Order: Mapping Social Space, CU Art Galleries, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO; travelled to Carleton College Art Gallery, Northfield, MN; Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, PA; Atlanta Contemporary Art Center, GA; Santa Barbara Contemporary Art Forum, CA (catalogue)

2000"Beat, Minimalism, New-Wave, and Robert Smithson," Documents Sur L'Art, (2000): 83-85.

2000"Libri E Cataloghi," Tema Celeste, V.XVII, n. 78 (May-Apr 2000): 126.

2000“A Utopian Moment, I Guess,” Surface Magazine, n. 23 (May 2000).

2000Alicia Murria, “Peter Halley,” Lapiz, n. 161 (2000): 81.

2000Andrea Affaticati, “Luxurious Editions,” Vogue Italia (Dec 2000): 78.

2000Artforum, V.XXXVIII, n.6 (Feb 2000): 6, interior ad for Halley exhibition at Baldwin Gallery

2000Barry Schwabsky, “Speed Reading,” i-D Magazine, v. 47, n. 4 (June 2000): 36.

2000Demetrio Paparoni, "Buon Nuovo Secolo," Tema Celeste, V.XII, n. 77 (Jan-Feb 2000): 5 and Cover

2000F. Carpio, “Vile Geometry,” La Razon, Madrid, 25 Feb 2000.

2000Jane Harris, “Peter Halley: Maintain Speed,” Bookforum (Fall 2000): 19.

2000Jose Jimenez, “Peter Halley: Geometría y crítica social,” El Mundo, Madrid, 12 Feb 2000, 16.

2000Laura Mauk, “Horse’s Mouth,” Bookforum (Summer 2000): 9.

2000Mariano Navarro, “Peter Halley,” El Mundo, Madrid, 27 Feb 2000.

2000Mariuccia Casadio, “Into Gold,” Casa Vogue, Italian edition (Apr 2000): 172.

2000Nancy Princenthal, “Artist’s Book Beat,” Art On Paper, v. 4, n. 6 (Jul–Aug 2000): 70–71.

2000Peter Halley, "Suffix," Surface, n.23 (2000).

2000Roberta Caratie Castiglia Masella, "Paparoni e la grande truffa della publicita," Tempo Economico, V. 37, n. 411 (Jan 2000): 12 - 13.

2000Sabina Spada, “Halley’s World,” Arte (Dec 2000): 120–124.

2001Playing Amongst the Ruins, Royal College of Art Galleries, London

2001Jo Carole Lauder and Ann L. Gund, Gift to the Nation, (Washington, DC: Friends of Art and Preservation in Embassies, 2001), 219.

2001“Fifteen Little Electric Chairs,” in Andy Warhol: Little Electric Chair Paintings, exhibition catalogue (New York: Stellan Holm Gallery, 2001).

2001Elisabeth Rackham, Peter Halley: Paintings, exhibition catalogue, Waddington Galleries, London.

2001Bonnie Clearwater, Mythic Proportions: Painting in the 1980s, exhibition catalogue (North Miami, FL: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2001).

2001Digital Printmaking Now, Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York (catalogue)

2001Green on Greene, Sperone Westwater, New York (catalogue)

2001Sheila Schwartz, American Visionaries: Selections from the Whitney Museum of American Art, exhibition catalogue (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 2001), 127.

2001The Lenore and Burton Gold Collection of 20th-Century Art, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA (catalogue)

2001The Onnasch Collection: Aspects of Contemporary Art, Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, Barcelona (catalogue)

2001Tilman Baumgartel, NET.Art 2.0: New Materials Towards Net Art (Nuremburg, Germany: Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2001).

2001Akio Nagasawa, “Peter Halley,” Esquire Japan (Jan 2001): 39.

2001Gean Moreno, “Mythic Proportions,” Flash Art (May–June 2001): 146–147.

2001Kara Weg Vander, “What is Pop Art?” GQ (Sep 2001): 360.

2001Mariuccia di Casadio, “Art Working,” Casa Vogue, Italian edition (Apr 2001).

2001Mariuccia di Casadio, “Superfluous,” Vogue Italia (June 2001): 185.

2001“September 25, 2001,” in Peter Halley: Paintings, exhibition catalogue (London: Waddington Galleries, 2001).

2002Peter Halley: Contamination, Alberico Cetti Serbelloni Editore, Milan

2002No Object, No Subject, No Matter..., Irish Museum of Modern Art, Dublin, Ireland (booklet)

2002“Alex Katz’s New Work,” in Alex Katz Beachscenes and Landscapes, exhibition catalogue (Paris: Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, 2002).

2002Gerard Malanga, Andy Warhol: Little Electric Chair Paintings, Stellan Holm Gallery

2002Adam D. Weinberg, Treasures of the Addison Gallery of American Art (New York: Abbeville Press, 2002), 251.

2002Demetrio Paparoni, “Art, Space, and its Repetition,” Lucio Fontana, exhibition catalogue, Galleria In Arco (Turin: Galleria in Arco, 2002).

2002Good News, Galleria Cardi, Milan (catalogue)

2002Midori Matsui, Art: Art in a New World (Tokyo: Asahishuppansha, 2002).

2002Misumi Shōji, Nobuyuki Hiromoto, et al, We love painting!: Contemporary American Art from the Misumi Collection, exhibition catalogue (Tokyo: Misumi, 2002).

2002Public Affairs, Kunsthaus Zürich, Zurich (catalogue)

2002The Big Chill, Galleria in Arco, Turin, Italy

2002“Shock of the Old,” Artforum, (Summer 2002): 163.

2002Jaume Vidal Oliveras, “The Labyrinth of Peter Halley,” El Cultural (Sep 2002): 32.

2002Melinda Rose Silva, “Peter Halley’s Mini Adventure,” Contemporary (Sep 2002): 60–61.

2002Richard Tuttle, “Cosmic Relief,” Artforum (Feb 2002): 116–121.

2002Robert Rosenblum, “Best of 2002,” Artforum (Dec 2002): 114.

2002Roberta Smith, “A Profusion of Painting, Very Much Alive,” The New York Times, 10 May 2002, E33–34.

2002Roberta Smith, “Peter Halley: Mary Boone Gallery,” The New York Times, 10 May 2002, E30.

2002Roger Boyce, “Lock-Ups and Aftershocks,” Art in America (Nov 2002): 128–129.

2002Stephanie Cash and David Ebony, “Artworld,” Art in America (June 2002): 144.

2003“Franz Erhard Walther—Work Needs the Body: A Strong Misreading,” reprinted from 1998, in Franz Erhard Walther: Orte der Enstehung—Orte der Wirkung, exhibition catalogue (Fulda, Germany: Vonderau Museum, 2003).

2003Alison Pearlman, Unpackaging Art of the 1980s (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003).

2003Conversations: Influence and Collaboration in Contemporary Art, Evergreen House, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD (catalogue)

2003David Joselit, American Art Since 1945 (New York: Thames and Hudson, 2003), 200–202.

200340th Anniversary: The 1980s, Art Forum Magazine, March 2003, Part 1

200340th Anniversary: The 1980s, Art Forum Magazine, March 2003, Part 2

2003Craig Garret, “Coerced Confessions,” Flash Art (Nov–Dec 2003): 72–75.

2003Craig Garret, “The Industrial Art: Peter Halley, Bill Charles, and Neville Wakefield Discuss the Multiple Trajectories of Contemporary Photography,” Flash Art (Nov–Dec 2003): 57–59.

2003Dan Cameron, “80’s Then: Peter Halley Talks with Dan Cameron,” Artforum (Mar 2003): 212–213.

2003Matilde Battistini, “The Red One Here is George W. Bush,” il Diario, Milan, 14 Mar 2003, 58–61.

2003Yayoi Kojima, “A Flag Bearer of American Abstract Painting is Still Going Strong,” Esquire Japan (Mar 2003): 192.

2003Yutaka f*ckuda, “A Brilliant Collection of Contemporary Art from the U.S.,” Diamond, Tokyo, 1 Feb 2003, 110–111.

2003Luca Beatrice, Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue, Galleria Cardi & Co., Milan.

2004Dan Cameron, Liza Kirwin, Alan W. Moore, East Village USA, exhibition catalogue (New York: New Museum of Contemporary Art, 2004), 143.

2004East Village USA, New Museum, New York (catalogue)

2004Jeffrey Deitch, ed., Monument to Now: The Dakis Joannou Collection, exhibition catalogue (Athens: DESTE Foundation for Contemporary Art, 2004).

2004Judith Richards, ed., Inside the Studio: Two Decades of Talks with Artists in New York (New York: Independent Curators International, 2004), 30–33.

2004Mary Anne Redding, Visions of America: American Art and Identity, exhibition catalogue (Vienna: Sammlung Essl Museum, 2004), 141, 255.

2004Starr Figura, Artists and Prints: Masterworks from the Museum of Modern Art (New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2004).

2004Visions of America: Contemporary Art from the Essl Collection and the Sonnabend Collection, New York, Sammlung Essl – Kunst der Gegenwart, Vienna (installation, catalogue)

2004“Fashion Victims,” Artforum, (May 2004): 197–199.

2004David Rimanelli, “High Art,” House and Garden (June 2004): 104–109.

2004Eric Troncy, “A Comet From the Eighties,” Numéro (Mar 2004): 318–321.

2005Contemporary Voice: The Contemporary American Art from Misumi Collection, Tottori Prefectural Museum, Japan (catalogue)

2005Extreme Abstraction, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York (catalogue)

2005Francesca Richer and Matthew Rozenzweig, eds., No. 1: First Works by 362 Artists (New York: Distributed Art Publishers, 2005), 143.

2005Johannes Meinhardt, ed. Painting: Abstraction after Abstraction (Lisbon, Portugal: Colecao de Arte Contemporanea Publico, 2005), 103, 132 - 133.

2005Logical Conclusions: 40 Years of Rule-Based Art, Pace Wildenstein, New York (catalogue)

2005Louis Grachos and Claire Schneider, Extreme Abstraction, exhibition catalogue (Buffalo, NY: Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 2005).

2005Marc Glimcher, Bernice Rose, et al, Logical Conclusions: 40 Years of Rule-Based Art, exhibition catalogue (New York: Pace Wildenstein, 2005), 112–113.

2005Nobyuki Hiromoto and Azumi Akai, eds., Contemporary Voice: The Contemporary Art from Misumi Collection (Tottori, Japan: Tottori Prefectural Museum and Japan Association of Art Museums, 2005), 48–49.

2005The Shape of Colour: Excursions in Colour Field Art 1950–2005, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto (catalogue)

2005We Can Do It!, Gary Tatinsian Gallery, Moscow (catalogue)

2005Avgostinos Zenakos, "Color in Our Lives," Vimagazino in Vima, Athens, 27 Mar 2005, 20–21

2005David Hay, "Halston's Old House," New York, NY, 10 October 2005, 79.

2005Natasa Gianousi, "The Geometric Abstraction of Halley," Ethnos, Athens, 17 Apr 2005, 16–17.

2005Phivos Sakalis, "Geometries of Thought & Feeling," Gyneka, Athens, Apr 2005, 142–49.

2005Richard Lacayo, “How Does 80’s Art Look Now?” Time Magazine, 28 Mar 2005, 58–62.

2005Spencer Michlin, “The Art of Flying,” American Way, Fort Worth, TX, 15 July 2005, 32.

2005Emmanuel Mavrommatis, Peter Halley, 1995–2005, exhibition catalogue, Galeri Xippas, Athens.

2005Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue, CAIS Gallery, Seoul.

2005Robert Hobbs, Peter Halley: Present and Past, exhibition catalogue, Louisiana Art and Science Museum, Baton Rouge, LA.

200630 Years of New Graphics, Firehouse Gallery, Burlington, VT (catalogue)

2006Idea of Painting – Homage to Martin Barré, Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris (catalogue)

2006Ideas in Painting: Hommage to Martin Barre, exhibition catalogue (Paris: Galerie Nathalie Obadia, 2006), 32–33.

2006Jo-Anne Birnie Danziger, ed., Villa Stuck (Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2006), 366.

2006Mark A. Cheetham, Abstract Art Against Autonomy: Infection, Resistance, and Cure Since the 60s (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006)

2006Pop Art 1960s–2000s: From Lichtenstein, Warhol to the Current Generation, exhibition catalogue (Tokyo: Yomiuri Shimbun and Japan Association of Art Museums, 2006), 46–47.

2006Ruth Erickson, ed., 30 Years of New Graphics From The Jewish Museum, exhibition catalogue, Firehouse Gallery and Burlington City Arts (Burlington, VT: Burlington City Arts, 2006), 50–51.

2006“Powerhouse,” V Magazine (Sep 2006): 71.

2006Grant, Daniel, “Halley’s Constellations,” ARTnews (Apr 2006): 102.

2006Takashi Hata, “Using ‘Squares’ and ‘Lines:’ He Vividly Draws Today’s Social Situation,” Pen Magazine (Jan–Feb 2006): 56.

2006Yahsi Baraz, “Peter Halley ve Türk Koleksiyoncular: Peter Halley and the Turkish Collectors,” rh+san art (June 2006): 61–63.

2007Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue, Waddington Galleries, London.

200727th Biennial of Graphic Arts, exhibition catalogue, International Centre of Graphic Arts (Ljubljana: Mednarodni grafični likovni center, 2007), 168–171.

200727th Biennial of Graphic Arts, International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC), Ljubljana, Slovenia

2007Ali Gureli, Contemporary Istanbul, catalogue (Istanbul: Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair, 2007).

2007Christophe Cherix and John Tremblay, Plastic: A Proposal of John Tremblay, exhibition catalogue, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire (Geneva: Cabinet des Estampes, 2007), 6, 8–11.

2007Create Your Own Museum, exhibition catalogue (Moscow: Gary Tatintsian Gallery, 2007), 91–94.

2007Create Your Own Museum, Gary Tatintsian Gallery, Moscow (catalogue)

2007Jeane Freifrau Von Oppenheim, ed., Sal. Oppenheim: 10 Years Collection (Luxembourg: Sal. Oppenheim Jr. & Cie. Luxembourg S.A., 2007), 226.

2007Joe Houston and Dave Hickey, Optic Nerve: Perceptual Art of the 1960s, exhibition catalogue, Columbus Museum of Art (London: Merrell Publishers, 2007).

2007Masterpieces, CAPC Musée d'Art contemporain de Bordeaux (Bordeaux, France: CAPC Musée d'art Contemporain de Bordeaux, 2007), 144–145.

2007Passion for Art: 35 Years of the Essl Collection, Kunst der Gegenwart Essl Museum and Schömer Haus, Klosterneuburg, Austria (catalogue)

2007Passion for Art: 35th Anniversary of the Essl Museum Collection, exhibition catalogue (Vienna: Edition Sammlung Essl, 2007), 201.

2007PLASTIC: A Proposal by John Tremblay, Cabinet des Estampes, Geneva (catalogue)

2007Pop Art, 1960s–2000s: From Lichtenstein, Warhol to the Current Generation, Seiji Togo Memorial Sompo Japan Museum of Art, Tokyo (catalogue); travelled to Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Hiroshima

2007Rebecca Roberts, MoMA: Highlights since 1980 (New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2007), 152.

2007Renate Wiehager and Claudia Seidel, Minimalism and After: Tradition and Tendencies of Minimalism from 1950 to the Present, exhibition catalogue (Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2007), 289–290.

2007Susanna Luoto, ed., Galerie Forsblom: Since 1977 (Helskinki: Galerie Forsblom, 2007), 5, 81, 142–143.

2007Twenty Years With Friends (A. V.), Galleria in Arco, Turin, Italy

2007Vent'anni con gli amici: 1987-2007, exhibition catalogue (Turin: Galleria in Arco, 2007).

2007Güseli Inal, “Asit Renkler – Yeni Geometri: Peter Halley,” Artist Actual (Sep 2007): 42–44.

2007Madhu Puri, “ Block Party,” Interview (Oct 2007): 128.

2007Sven Lütticken, “Black Bloc, White Penguin: Reconsidering Representation Critique,” Artforum (Mar 2007): 299–303.

2007Peter Halley: Paintings, exhibition catalogue, McClain Gallery, Houston, TX.

2008Peter Halley: Wall Relief, Banco, 2008

2008Art Editions 6, 2008, inventory catalogue, (Munich: Edition Schellmann, 2008), np, ill.

2008Abstract Vision, Thomas Ammann Fine Art, Zurich (catalogue)

2008Georg Frei, Abstract Vision, exhibition catalogue (Zurich: Thomas Ammann Fine Art AG, 2008), 16–17.

2008Gianni Mercurio, The Big Bang, exhibition catalogue (Rome: Museo Carlo Bilotti, 2008), 72–83.

2008Ruth Fine, Fifty Works for Fifty States: The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection, exhibition catalogue (Washington D.C.: The National Gallery of Art, 2008), 188.

2008The Big Bang, Museo Carlo Bilotti, Rome (catalogue)

2008Giancarlo Politi, “Peter Halley At the End of History,” Flash Art (Jul–Sep 2008): 164–167.

2008Peter Nagy, “From Criticism to Complicity,” Flash Art International, v. 41 (Jul–Sep 2008): 152–155.

2008Peter Vogel, “Peter Halley: ein Künstler und seine Stadt,” Parnass Kunst Magazine (2008): 78–85.

2008Demetrio Paparoni, Peter Halley: Works for Projects, exhibition catalogue, Galleria In Arco, Turin, Italy.

2008Wayne Koestenbaum and Luca M. Yenturi, Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue, Banca BSI Italia, Turin, Italy.

2009Charlotte Bonham-Carter and David Hodge, The Contemporary Art Book (London: Carlton Books, 2009), 97.

2009Gallatin 2009, (New York: Gallatin School, 2009).

2009Paul Ardenne, The Present: The Work of Art at the Turn of the 21st Century (Paris: Edition Du Regard, 2009), 168.

2009Christian Rattemeyer, The Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection, catalogue raisonné (New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2009), 138.

2009Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Alain Noirhomme, Brussels

2009Fuentes, Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac, Salzburg, Austria

2009H x W x D: Thirty Years of MFA at UNO, University of New Orleans St. Claude Gallery, New Orleans, LA (catalogue)

2009Images and Representations: The Eighties Second Part, MAGASIN Centre National d’Art Contemporain de Grenoble, France (catalogue)

2009Karlyn De Jongh, Personal Structures: Time Space Existence (Cologne, Germany: DuMont Buchverlag, 2009), 276–281.

2009Katherine Hinds, Kertess Klaus, Martin Margulies and Peter Plagens, The Martin Z. Margulies Collection: Painting and Sculpture (Miami, FL: The Martin Z. Margulies Foundation, 2009).

2009Luois Negre and Sean J. Rose, When the First Intoxication of Loud Success…, exhibition catalogue (Bordeaux, France: CAPC Museum of Contemporary Art, 2009), 27.

2009Marco Meneguzzo, The 80’s: An Italian Perspective, exhibition catalogue (Milan: Silvana Editoriale, 2009), 188–189.

2009Quand la première ivresse des succès bruyants…, CAPC Musée d'art Contemporain, Bordeaux, France (catalogue)

2009Yves Aupetitallot, Images and (Re)presentations: The Eighties, Second Part, exhibition catalogue, Le Magasin (Grenoble, France: National Center of Contemporary Art, 2009).

2009Amaya De Toledo, “Entra la Luz,” Architectural Digest, Spanish edition, n. 37 (June 2009): cover, 1.

2009Elizabeth Schambelan, “Peter Halley: Mary Boone Gallery,” Artforum (Dec 2009): 228–229.

2009Laura Schleussner, “Peter Halley: El Sourdog Hex, Berlin,” Flash Art (Jul–Sep 2009): 100.

2009Maria Gerosa, “Nuove esperienze,” Architectural Digest (Italian edition), n. 333 (Feb 2009): cover, 1, 114.

2010Il bagno penale, by Jean Genet (Brescia, Edizioni l'Obliquo)

2010Global New Art: Taguchi Art Collection #01 (Tokyo: Bijutsu Shuppan-Sha Co., 2010), 47–48.

2010Schauwerk Sindelfingen: 100 artists—100 works—100 positions, collection catalogue (Cologne, Germany: DuMont Buchverlag; the Schaufler Foundation, 2010), 58–59.

2010David Rubin, Robert C. Morgan, and Daniel Pinchbeck, Psychedelic: Optical and Visionary Art since the 1960s, exhibition catalogue (San Antonio; Boston: San Antonio Museum of Art; MIT Press, 2010), 25, 45, 74.

2010Elyssa Dimant, Minimalism and Fashion: Reduction in the Postmodern Era (New York: Collins Design, 2010), 204–206.

2010Global Art Show, The Columns, Seoul

2010Jorg Schellmann and Julienne Lorz, Forty Are Better Than One (Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz, 2010), 132–133, 378, 401.

2010Mario Diacono, Iconograhy and Archteypes (Milan: Silvana Editoriale, 2010),n.p., cover

2010Mario Diacono, Iconograhy and Archteypes (Milan: Silvana Editoriale, 2010),n.p., cover.

2010Psychedelic: Optical and Visionary Art Since 1960, San Antonio Museum of Art, TX (catalogue); travelled to Memorial Art Gallery, University of Rochester, NY; Telfair Museum of Art, Savannah, GA

2010Reinhard Onnasch, Susanne Lenze, and Susanne Jensen, El Sourdog Hex: Nineteen Artists, exhibition catalogue (Bielefeld, Germany: Kerber Verlag, 2010), 160–171.

2010The 80s Revisited: The Bischofberger Collection, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, Bielefeld, Germany (catalogue)

2010“Contemporary Istanbul,” RH+artmagazine (Jan 2010): 43, 45.

2010“Proof is in the Pink,” Time Out New York, 25 Feb 2010, 45, 46.

2010Aleksandra Novozhenova, “I Felt that My Prints Were Almost a Premonition of September 11th,” Artchronika (Oct 2010): 54–59.

2010Graham Fuller, “BZ & Michael Schwartz, Art as Family: 80s, 17 December 2010," auction catalogue, Phillips De Pury, New York, 17 Dec 2010, 34, 37.

2010Karlyn De Jongh, “Interconnection and Isolation: Peter Halley in an Interview With Karlyn De Jongh – Part 1,” Dart International, n. 27 (Fall 2010): 32–34.

2010Michael Wilson, “Peter Halley,” Time Out New York, 4 Mar 2010, 36.

2010Nicola Trezzi, “Peter Halley: Mary Boone, New York,” Flash Art (May–June 2010): 113.

2010Oleg Frolov, “Interview: Peter Halley,” Populist, n. 1 (Dec 2010): 2–6.

2010Stephen Maine, “Peter Halley: Mary Boone,” Art in America (Jun–July 2010): 182–183.

2011Bob Nickas: Catalog of the Exhibition 1984-2011 (Los Angeles: 2nd Cannons Publications, 2011)

2011Peter Halley, Galerie Thomas Modern, 2011

2011Consuelo Ciscar Casaban and Francisco Calvo Serraller, Obras Maestras de Pintura en la Colección del IVAM. Pasado, Presente y Futuro, exhibition catalogue, Institut Valencià d’Art Moderne (Valencia, Spain: IVAM, 2011), 160–261.

2011George Melrod and Christopher Miles, Goldmine: Contemporary Works From The Collection Of Sirje And Michael Gold, exhibition catalogue (Long Beach, CA: University Art Museum, 2011), 69.

2011Gianni Mercurio, Surreal versus Surrealism in Contemporary Art, exhibition catalogue, Institut Valencià d’Art Moderne (Valencia, Spain: IVAM, 2011), 45, 141.

2011Karlyn De Jongh and Sarah Gold, Personal Structures, La Biennale di Venezia, exhibition catalogue (Bonn, Germany: Global Art Affairs Foundation, 2011), 42–47.

2011Ken Johnson, Are You Experienced? (Munich; London; New York: Prestel Publishing, 2011), 154.

2011Mark Vanmoerkerke, Collection Vanmoerkerke (Brussels: Rispoli Books, 2011).

2011The Indiscipline of Painting, Tate St. Ives, Cornwall, UK; travelled to Mead Gallery, Warwick Arts Centre, UK

2011“Franz Erhard Walther: Close Encounters of Three Kinds,” Flash Art, n. 276 (Jan 2011).

2011Fabriano Fabbri, “Fatal Abstraction,” Book Moda, n. 111 (2011): cover, 42.

2011Güseli Inal, ''Contemporary Istanbul,” Yapi (Jan 2011): 162, 350.

2011Joanna Rojkowska, “Dekonstrukcja Geometrii: Dekonstrukcja Światła,” artluk (Feb 2011): 49.

2011PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, n. 2 (Mar 2011): cover, 304.

2012“A Conversation with Kehinde Wiley and Peter Halley,” in Kehinde Wiley, edited by Thelma Golden, Robert Hobbs, Sarah H. Lewis, et al. (New York: Rizzoli, 2012).

2012Cellblock I & II, Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York (curated by Robert Hobbs, catalogue)

2012Conceptual Abstraction, Hunter College Art Galleries, New York (catalogue)

2012Helen Anne Molesworth, Johanna Burton, and Claire Grace, This Will Have Been: Art, Love & Politics in the 1980s, exhibition catalogue (Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, 2012).

2012James Rondeau and Sheena Wagstaff, Roy Lichtenstein: A Retrospective, exhibition catalogue (Chicago: Art Institute of Chicago, 2012), 81–82, 87.

2012Jeffrey Kastner, ed., Nature: Documents of Contemporary Art (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012).

2012Joe Houston, ed., Abstracción geométrica desde 1950: Intercambio Global (Buenos Aires: MACBA Ediciones, 2012), 69, 188–189.

2012Jorge Daniel Veneciano, The Geometric Unconscious: A Century of Abstraction (Lincoln, NE; London: University of Nebraska Press, 2012), 56–71.

2012Louis Grachos and Claire Schneider, Extreme Abstraction: Revisited, exhibition catalogue (Buffalo, NY: Albright-Knox Gallery, 2012), 69.

2012ReFocus: Art of the 1980s, Museum of Contemporary Art, Jacksonville, FL

2012Timothée Chaillou, ed., Issue 5: Annual Magazine (Nicosia, Cyprus: A.P.C. Trading Ltd, 2012).

2012“Nature and Culture,” reprint of 1983 essay, in Nature: Documents of Contemporary Art, edited by Jeffrey Kastner (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2012).

2012“Sensibility of the Times, Revisited: Peter Halley,” Art in America (Dec 2012): 164–5.

2012Guillaume Durand, “Le musée des contradictions,” L’Officiel Art, Jun–Aug 2012.

2012Olivier Reneau, “Une Petite Histoire de Magazines,” L’Officiel Art, Apr–June 2012.

2012Richard Speer, “Peter Halley: Prison,” Willamette Week,, 20 Jan 2012.

2012The Journal, magazine, no. 32

2013“Abstraction and Culture,” reprint of 1991 essay, in Abstraction, Whitechapel: Documents of Contemporary Art series, edited by Maria Lind (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2013).

2013Peter Halley: Selected Essays, 1981–2001, edited by Richard Milazzo (New York: Edgewise Press, 2013).

2013Giancarlo Politi, Prague Biennale 6 Prague Biennale Photo 3, exhibition catalogue (Milan: Giancarlo Politi Editore, 2013), 50–51.

2013Giovanni Iovane, Negative Capability—Paintings (Milan: Silvana Editoriale, 2013).

2013Hélène Trespeuch, La crise de l’art abstrait ? Récits et critique en France et aux Etats-Unis dans les années 1980 (Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2013).

2013Heute Malerei, exhibition catalogue, Kunstmuseum Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen Magdeburg (Berlin: Jovis Verlag, 2013), 54–65.

2013Ingvild Goetz, Karsten Löckemann, et al, When Now is Minimal, Die unbekannte Seite der Sammlung Goetz, exhibition catalogue, Neues Museum, Nuremberg, Germany (Ostfildern, Germany: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2013).

2013Joe Day, ed., Corrections & Collections: Architectures for Art and Crime (New York: Routledge, 2013), 19–22.

2013Karlyn De Jongh, Sarah Gold, et al, Personal Structures: Time Space Existence (Cologne, Germany: Global Art Affairs Foundation, 2013), 178–181.

2013Lea Rosson DeLong, ed.,Des Moines Art Center Collects (Des Moines, IA: Des Moines Art Center, 2013).

2013Maria Lind, ed., Abstraction: Documents of Contemporary Art (London; Cambridge: Whitechapel Gallery; The MIT Press, 2013), 17–18, 54, 137–143, 146, 149.

2013Negative Capability, group exhibition (Carla Accardi, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Anetta Mona Chisa & Lucia Tkáčová, Peter Halley, Reinhard Mucha, Giulio Paolin), Galleria d’Arte Astuni, Bologna, Italy

2013Richard Speer, Peter Halley, Alessandro Mendini, exhibition catalogue, Mary Boone Gallery, New York.

2013Sarah Trigg, Studio Life: Rituals, Collections, Tools, and Observations on the Artistic Process (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2013), 183.

2013Siegfried Weishaupt, American Idols: Von Basquiat bis Warhol, n. 8, exhibition catalogue (Ulm, Germany: Kunsthalle Weishaupt, 2013).

2013The Bigger Picture, The Artist’s Institute, New York (curated by Haim Steinbach)

2013Wall Works, Hamburger Bahnhof Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin

2013“Wild Style,” Modern Painters (June 2013): 15.

2013Art in America, 2013

2013Ian Graves, “El célebre artista Peter Halley exhibe obras en Costa Rica,” La Nación, San José, 31 Mar 2013, 3.

2013Kelly Crow, “A Geometry Guru Stays True to Form,” The Wall Street Journal, New York, 13–14 Apr 2013, C20.

2013Scott Indrisek, “Studio Check: Peter Halley,” Modern Painters (June 2013): 42–43.

2013Umberta Genta, “ Prague Biennale: Interview With Director Helena Kontova,” Flash Art, n. 291, Vol. 46, (Jul–Aug–Sep 2013): 57–58.

2013JoAnn Melvin, Peter Halley: Paintings 2012–2013, exhibition catalogue, Waddington Custot Galleries, London.

2013Klaus Steinmetz and Paolo Emilio Antognoli, Peter Halley: Recent Works, exhibition catalogue, Steinmetz Contemporary Art Gallery, San Jose, Costa Rica.

2014Jo Melvin, Peter Halley Since 2000, exhibition catalogue, Musée d’Art Moderne Saint-Etienne Métropole and Maruani & Noirhomme Gallery, Saint-Priest-en-Jarez, France and Brussels, Belgium.

201430 Years, Foundation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris (collaboration with Alessandro Mendini)

2014Amy Brandt,Interplay: Neoconceptual Art of the 1980s(Cambridge: MIT Press, 2014), 1–5, 7–8, 12–14, 18–22, 28, 30–33, 36, 145–146, 151, 153–161.

2014Brandon K. Ruud and Gregory Nosan, eds., Painting from the Collection of the Sheldon Museum of Art, (Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press, 2014), 228–229.

2014Cellblock I and Cellblock II, exhibition catalogue (New York: Andrea Rosen Gallery, 2014), 20, 23, 24, 29, 41, 48–49, 50, 66–67.

2014Emma Dexter, Mark Prince, Pierre-Olivier Rollin,, Man in the Mirror, exhibition catalogue, Vanhaerents Art Collection, Brussels (Tielt, Belgium: Lannoo Publishing. 2014), 68, 102–104, 111.

2014Juan Roselione-Valadez, ed., Rubell Family Collection Highlights & Artists’ Writings, Volume 1 (Miami: Rubell Family Collection/Contemporary Arts Foundation, 2014), 120–121.

2014Kata Bodor, David Fehér, Katrin Heidt, et. al., Konstruktív/Konkrét: Nemzetközi Művészet A Vass-Gyűjteményben, exhibition catalogue (Budapest: ART V. PREMIER, 2014), 150–153.

2014Mario von Lüttichau, Asja Kaspers and Marcel Schumacher, eds., Museum Folkwang: Malerei & Skulptur 19.–21. Jahrhundert (Essen; Münich: Museum Folkwang; Sieveking Verlag, 2014), 281, 294.

2014Post Pop: East Meets West, Saatchi Gallery, London

2014-----, “Broad Stripes and Bright Stars: New Artworks Inspired by the National Icon,” Smithsonian, (June 2014): 48–49.

2014Alexander R. Galloway, “What Can a Network Do?,” SPIKE (Spring 2014): 64–71.

2014Elio Cappuccio & Demetrio Paparoni, “La Concreción de lo Abstracto,” ARTE AL LIMITE, n. 64 (Feb 2014): 100–105.

2014Juan Bolivar, “Peter Halley in Conversation with Juan Bolivar for Turps Banana,” TURPS Banana Magazine, Issue 14 (Spring 2014): 4–13.

2014Pariss Sloan, “Pleasure and Alienation,” Tirade Magazine (Apr 2014): 10–20.

2014Rafael de Cárdenas, “The Way You Always Wanted to See’em,” Flash Art, v. 47, n. 295 (Mar–Apr 2014): 50–57.

2014“Peter Halley in Conversation with Wolfgang Tillmans,” in Wolfgang Tillmans, 2nd edition (London: Phaidon Press Ltd., 2014).

2014Martin S. Fischer, Barbara Happe, Steffen Siegel, et al., Peter Halley—Prisons, exhibition catalogue, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Jena, Germany.

2014Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue, Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki.

2015Benjamin Colman, Peter Halley: Big Paintings, exhibition catalogue, Florence Griswold Museum, Old Lyme, CT.

2015Peter Halley, Gold, exhibition catalogue, Gary Tatintsian Gallery, Moscow

201512 New Yorkers, JMM Gallery, Brussels

2015Barbara Bergmann, I like America, exhibition catalogue, Schauwerk Sindelfingen (New York; Bielefeld, Germany: DAP; Kerber, 2015), 57, 137.

2015Enrique Juncosa, Tres Narrativas. Lenguaje, exhibition catalogue (Barcelona: Obra Social "la Caixa," 2015), 28–29.

2015Geometric Obsession: American School 1965–2015 (Buenos Aires: Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires, 2015), 169, 217.

2015Iwona Blazwick, ed., Adventures of the Black Square: Abstract Art and Society 1915–2015, exhibition catalogue, Whitechapel Gallery, London (London; Munich: Whitechapel Gallery; Prestel Verlag, 2015), 41, 270, 279.

2015Richard Milazzo, The Mannequin of History: Art After Fabrications of Critique and Culture, exhibition catalogue, Expo 2015, (Modena, Italy: Franco Cosimo Panini, 2015), 185–187.

2015"Big Halley," Connecticut Magazine, February: 24.

2015Cristina Guadalupe Galván, “Colour Surfacing, Peter Halley’s 2D World,” DAMN Magazine, no. 51 (Jul–Aug 2015): 64–67.

2015Kristin Nord, “Peter Halley: Big Paintings, Size Matters,” Artscope, v. 9 n. 6 (Jan–Feb 2015): 15–17.

2015Питер Хелли, золото, каталог выставки, Гари Татинцяна Галерея, Москва.

2016Francesca Avanzini, La Presenza di Peter Halley in Italia (1987 - 2016), dissertation (Milan: Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Di Milano, 2016).

2016Anne Faucheret and David Jourdan, The Promise of Total Automation, exhibition catalogue, Kunsthalle Wien, Italy

2016Geometry of the Absurd: Recent Paintings by Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue, Santa Barbara Museum of Art, Santa Barbara, CA.

2016Max Hollein, The Schirn Ring: Peter Halley, exhibition catalogue, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Germany.

2016Peter Halley: Metallic Paintings, exhibition catalogue, Jablonka Maruani Mercier Gallery, Knokke, Belgium.

2016Richard Milazzo, Skewed: Ruminations on the Writings and Works of Peter Halley, monograph / exhibition catalogue, Galleria Mazzoli, Modena, Italy.

2017Alex Barbanti, Peter Halley: La Forma Geometrica Del Pensiero, dissertation (Bologna: Universita di Bologna, 2017).

2017Peter Halley, Boats Crosses Trees Figures Gouaches 1977–78, exhibition catalogue, Karma, New York.

2017Peter Halley, Interview with Sam Gilliam in Sam Gilliam, exhibition catalogue, David Kordansky Gallery, Los Angeles, 2017

2017Peter Halley, Paintings from the 1980s, exhibition catalogue, Stuart Shave/Modern Art, London.

2017Peter Halley: 23 June - 10 September, 2017, exhibition catalogue, Gary Tatintsian Gallery, Moscow

2017Flash Art 50th Anniversary, Flash Art

2019Elaine Equi, The Intangibles, (Coffee House Press)

2019Peter Halley: Paintings of the 1980s: The Catalogue Raisonne, (JRP Ringier)

2019Heterotopia I, exhibition catalogue, Flash Art, Milan.

2019Mangold Halley Modern Postmodern, exhibition catalogue, Maruani Mercier Gallery, Brussels

2019Qube, Lauren Clay, Peter Halley, Ustanova s Kulton, Galeria Kula

2021Big! Large-format works from the Sprengel Museum Hannover, exhibition booklet (Hanover, Germany: Sprengel Museum Hannover, 2021), cover.

2021Novas Pinturas, exhibition catalogue, Galeria Millan, São Paulo.

2021Stefano Castelli, “Peter Halley Dentro prigioni fluo.” Arte, April 2021, 62-67.

2022Lien Devriese, Walter Vanhaerents, Vanhaerents Art Collection - Looking Ahead, (Brussels: Vanhaerents Art Collection, 2022), 11, 170, 171.

2022Reine Form Sache: Konstruktiv-Konkrete Kunst Aus Der Sammlung, exhibition catalogue, (Ulm, Kunsthalle Weishaupt, 2022), 90-92.

2022Somewhere Downtown: Art in 1980s New York, UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing

2022“John Waters Sitting, 1997,” The Brooklyn Rail (December/January 2022-23).

2023Simon Morley, Modern Painting: World of Art, (London: Thames and Hudson, 2023).

2023Demetrio Paparoni, Giuseppe Uncini, exhibition catalogue, Dep Art Gallery, Milan, IT

2023Art Drive-In, exhibition catalogue, (Brescia: Generali Agenzia Generale di Brescia Castello, 2023), 26-33.

2023Danilo Montanari, habitat. Le forme E I Modi Della Natura, exhibition catalogue, (Jesi: Fondazione Cassa Di Risparmio Di Jesi, 2023), 45.

2023Eric Crosby and Richard Armstrong, The Milton and Sheila Fine Collection, exhibition catalogue (Pittsburg: Carnegie Museum of Art, 2023) 327

2023Jim Jacobs and Mark Rosenthal, Minimalism and Its AfterImage, (New York: Kasmin Books, 2023), 38-39.

2023Lisa Phillips, Everything Gets Lighter, exhibition catalogue, (Mexico City: Museum Jumex, 2023), 79, ill.

2023Terrific, exhibition catalogue (Germany: Museum Wurth, 2023), 143, ill.

2023The Echo of Picasso, exhibition catalogue (Spain: Museo Picasso Malaga, 2023), 96, ill., 98-99, ill.

2023"Peter Halley: A Monograph," Hirmer Publishers, Autumn 2023, 38 - 39

2023Newsletter #33, Almen Rech, March - June 2023, 198.

2023Paloma Hermine Hidalgo, "Peter Halley 'Conduits Paintings from the 1980's'," Almine Rech Newsletter #34

2024Extra Ordinary Byblos Art hotel, Villa Amistà, (Verona: Electra S.p.A, 2024), 13, ill (color).

2024Alex Bacon, What Presence, exhibition catalogue (Milan: Luca Tommasi Arte Contemporanea, 2024).

2024Blind Date: Die Sammlung Maximilian und Agathe Weishaupt im Dialog mit der Sammlung Liaunig, exhibition catalogue (Neuhaus, Austria: Museum Liaunig, 2024), 11, color, ill., 26, color, ill.

2024Jisu Yoon and Kim No-am, Flowing Winds, Blowing Waves, exhibition catalogue (Gwangyang, South Korea: Jeonnam Museum of of Art, 2024), 122, color, ill.

2024Margaret Andera and Michele Grabner, 50 Paintings, exhibition catalogue (Milwaukee: Milwaukee Art Museum, 2024), 86, ill.

Library — PETER HALLEY (2024)


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