C. Cloud, and of of are the at the the to left on place, Star. the have of some at with members leave will arrick and Selby family, has of returned Goldberg from street. OxMiss Ruth where she was the guest of ford, Ohio, Margaret Stump. Miss Anna Cain the is East.
spending several On weeks last' sunday Mr. and Mrs. George visiting in Dudley Glenn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs.
A. Frisble has returned from H. Carleton. Halt with Ft. tier Henry, daughter, Ohio.
Mrs. Joseph Huertamp, of E. H. Boutwell and children are visiting L. relatives Beam at and Williamstown, daughters Ky.
have Mrs. returned from a visit at Bardstown, Ky. E. Misses Rose and visit Helen with Swindler and have Mra. re1 turned E.
Taylor, from A of Hyde Park. Miss Mae Carlton left Saturday visit Mr. and Mrs. J. Bridges, of Deto troit.
Miss Mamie Jones, of California, is the guest Burton of Hendrixson, of Southern avenue. Mrs. Philip Harten and Mrs. Mrs. Homer McKinney and daughter, Miss week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Elizabeth, of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. E. P.
Reynolds have reJane. turned to their home in Richmond, Va.r after spending and several Latonia. weeks with relatives and Mrs. William Wilson and Covington Mr. Mrs.
E. E. White were week-end And of Mr. H. C.
Wilson and family, of Williamstown, Ky. Dunlap, of Covington, and Miss Alice Dunlap, of Miss sister, guests Thursday of Mrs. David Duluth, were Guthrie luncheon and Mrs. Leverett D. Campbell.
Misses Virginia and Vivian weeks Wallace wth are enjoying a vist of Mabel a few Landrum, their Dry cousin, and other relatives at WilMiss Ridge, Miss Dora Nockell, of Eden Park, spent liamstown, Ky. Tuesday with Mrs. William Lane and daughter, Miss with Florence, relatives of Beech in Latonia, avenue. After and A Mrs. Clyde Atchison have returned visit Mr.
their home at Knoxville, Tenn. to Dr. and Mrs. R. Lee Bird and daughter, Miss Shirley, month's and stay son, at Harold, Clark's leave Lake.
toMrs. Lulu Selby and son Sterritt left day for a last with week Morris for Selby at the Great Lakes Chicago to spend some time Mr. and Mrs. George Roberta, Training School. of Myrtle avenue, leave the first of August for their DeW home in Hyde Park.
Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson, Indian of Lake. Latonia avenue, left Friday for home from and fishing son trip Jack, and are welcomed dian Lake, Ohio. stay at InEthel, W.
B. George and Mrs. of Washington avenue, daughter, are Miss in August for Chicago, from which leaving they will take the steamer point Minnesota. trip to Duluth, that of Miss wedding of Wednesday WAS pretty and Mrs. Grace White, daughter of Mr.
Mr. William White, Mann, of of 641 Ft. York street, and was celebrated at the First Presbyterian which Thomas, Mary Church by Rev. O. 8.
Thornberry. Miss maid of sister of the White, the man. honor and Monday Mr. Fred Jordan WaS C. brother of evening Mr.
Frank and Miss Alice Sipple, of Eighth street, Mann. Mr. William were Mr. and married by Rev. Thornberry.
Mra. Sewell Waite, of East Third street, Michigan. are passing month at Charlevoix, Mr. and Mrs. M.
E. near Madison, Wis, where Dulaney are in camp two weeks. they will spend Mr. and Mrs. Owen Solmon, of this have returned from trip to Niagara city, Falls.
home Mrs. 8. G. Walton will entertain at her on Dumfries avenue, Ft. Thomas, the members of the Women's Missionary clety of the Central Christian Church with an Howard all-day meeting Wednesday.
Beard have and Ruth Pancoast and Betty returned from a visit with Misses Marie and Amelia Schwalbock, of Axlendria. Mr. and Mrs. James 8. Quill and returned from a tour through the East.
family from Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Peters have returned where a vacation spent Ripley.
Ohio, to Mrs. Charlea Herman, took the occasion they were entertained by Mr. and announce the marriage of their son Cabel to Miss Sarah A. Botts, which was of St. celebrated Stephen's last November Church at the parsonage by Rev.
Martin Delaney. and Miss Janette Eleanor Fisher and Misses Gertrude Herman have returned from visit with relatives at Ripley, Ohio. be Apeler, an of event Malone, of to join them will for go a up two the middle Philadelphia. The wedding will Harrower Mrs. James W.
arrived home after East Tenth stay Dr. and Mra. George weeks Brown stay. have street, several have months with her daughter, Mrs. nue, turned after to their home on Washington avebarles A.
Gildea, J. at her summer home Oglesby at a visit Tuscaloosa, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ridgeway, N. Mr.
and Horace Ala. MeCrea, accom- L. the panted guests by Mr. of' and Mr. Mra.
Joseph Gates, LATONI.A Crea, of East Mrs. Charles Meare tored down from Second Chicago. street, having moMrs. H. McAvery, of San Francisco, Dr.
and Mrs. John Todd on guest of her brother, Mr. Clarence Miss Virginia, and daughter, BELLEVUE, KY. Mr. and Mrs.
George T. Loker, accompanted by Mrs. Rose Brueckner: and her daughter Miss Mae, left Saturday for Los Angeles, where they will reside. and Mrs. Edward Trimbur and daughter, Miss Petronella, and Mrs.
C. Trimbur have returned from a delightful motor Misses trip Marie through Canada and the East. and Frances Farrell, of York, Fairfield avenue, left Sunday for New where they will spend a few weeks. her Mrs. Maxine Garner, accompanied by two nieces, Misses Florence and Anna Probat, have left for the lakes and Canada, where they will spend the mainder of the summer.
DAYTON, KY. Misses Mrs. Isabella and Bird and grandchildren, Pauline Virginia Bird and home Master after Byron Bird, have returned to their a delightful visit at Columbus and Lebanon, Ohio. assisted Mrs. Billy by her Knowles aunt, (Miss Miss Hazel Maud Corey), Keller, entertained a few friends at her home on Eighth avenue Thursday evening.
The guests present were: Misses Dorothy Terrell, Alyce Harris, Laura Ott. Helen Schaffeld, Madelyn Bird and Margaret Miss Queene Harper entertained with tennis party In honor of Miss Lorena Creighton, of Parkersburg, W. Va. Members of this year's Miss graduating class were entertained by Ida Wetsell Thursday evening. Mrs.
H. Brown entertained her Sunday School class Saturday afternoon. CLIFTON, KY. The Afternoon Embroidery Club met Thursday with Mrs. Mrs.
Albert Gilbert Ney. Those present were I Hellman, MYa. Frank Bohorie, Mrs. Chester Huenefeld, Mra Oliver Hunter, Mrs. David Bagby, Mrs.
Louis Enzweller, Miss Anna Buchert, Mrs. Ralph Wischmeyer and Mra, William Schiake. Miss Frances Currie, of Cincinnati, was the week-end guest of Grandview avenue, and the Lindseys, of Mayo avenue. Mrs. Robert W.
Kramer and daughter Mary Louise, of Hooper street, are spending week with her brother, Mr. Charles H. Freeman, at Peebles, Ohio. Accompanying her are her sister, Miss Selma Haus, and cousin, Chester Schutte. of Cincinnati.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Davies, of Electric avenue, are spending their vacation at Woodlawn Piace, Ohio. A birthday dinner was given for Mr. Herman Huenefeld in honor of his seventyninth anniversary.
Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Amiel Huenefeld, Mr. Herman Huenefeld, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Huenefeld, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huber, Misses Margaret and Alice Huenefeld, Mrs. Margaret Stadleman, Masters Chester and Earl Hueneteld. Mrs.
John Goeddie, of Price Hill, la the guest of Mrs. Ross Kiel, of Hooper street. SOUTHGATE, KY. Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Jones and daughter, Miss Alice, Linden avenue. left Baturday for camping trip on the Big Miami. Miss Margaret Morgan is visiting relatives at Anderson, Ind. Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Padgett, of Linden avenue, had "as their guesta last week Mr. and Mra. George Padgett, of Newport: Mrs. Leroy Mullins and daughters Edna and Cecil, of Lebanon, Ohio Mr. and Mrs.
Harry fa*galey, of Harvard place, entertained the Ladies Aid Society of the Fifat their Presbyterian Church, Newport, with annual garden party on Thursday afternoon and evening. Mrs. E. Riggs gave several delightful read: Inge. Mrs.
Barton Schiffer and Mra. Harry Pepper also contributed to the program. Miss Julia Kounts, of Ridgeway' nue, has as guests her cousins. Mesara. Harry Pines had John Palmer, of Chicago, Illinois, and Mrs.
William France are entertaining a party friends at their bungalow, Hilicrest Farm. over the Mrs. A. J. Kauffenberger and family, of Walnut street, have returned home at after delightful visit with relatives Flagg Springs and Mentor, Ky.
Miss Margaret William Davis, of Linden avenue, and Mrs. Molloney, of Hyde Park, leave the frat of the week for a visit with relatives at Ohio. Mr. and Mra. George Berner and sons Robert and Donald have returned from two weeks visit with Mra.
mother, Mrs. 0. P. Donovan, of Neville, Ohio. Mra.
Oscar Rust, of Walnut street, had guest the past week her Mra. Fred Hittinger, of Price Hill. Miss Derothy Oche, of Covington, the honor guest at pretty affair riven at the home of Mrs. Charles G. on Walnut street Thursday.
Muste and games were enjoyed by Alice guests numbering Misses Dorothy Ocha, Jones, Ruth Welch, Lillian Hoffman, Audrey Mulling Ella Gertrude Buckley, Tresor Polley, Dorothy Assaner, Janet Nepper, Doretta Hoffman, Mesara. Carl Hoffman and Rebert Minning. The Daughters of America entertained with reception and dance at the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. Mra. Clayton Malone, of Queens place, had a.
her guests on Wednesday afternoon Mra. John Potter, of Newport: Mrs. THE ENQUIRER, Albert Millward, Mrs. Raymond and Mrs. A.
J. Smith, of Southgate. Mrs. William 8. Sullivan (Jessie MeGee) and little son, of Clifton, are the guests of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John McGee, of Evergreen avenue. Mrs. John Henry entertained the Aid Society of the Methodist Church at her home on Thursday afternoon: Mrs. B.
A. Northeutt had as her guests Ivan Thursday Mra. George I. Briel, Mrs. Mrs.
George Huber, Mrs. Emil Nattenheimer, Mrs. John Sargent, Mrs. John Perry, Mrs. Edward' Wettingil, Mrs.
Oscar Rummell, Mrs. Edward Geiss, Mra. Edward Koch, Mrs. Hater and Mrs. Hubbard.
Mrs. George Berner had as her guests last week Miss Ella Rover, of Chicago, IlL, and Miss Anne O'Brian, of Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.
Morin and daughter, Miss Marcellene, of Linden avenue, have returned home from a visit with relatives at Flagg Springs and Mentor, Ky. The annual picnic of the Southgate Methodist Episcopal Sabbath School was held at Silver Grove on Saturday. Miss Anna Loehr, of Maple avenue, has as her guest Miss Helen Jackson, of Walnut Hills. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Carpenter, of the Alexandria pike, left Monday for Atlantic City. Mr. Robert Huff was the honor guest at. a dinner on Friday evening given at the home of Miss Lillian Smith, Linden avenue, in celebration of Mr. Huff's birthday anniversary.
Covers were laid for Misses Anne Oldham; Pearl Wesselman, Ruth Neyman, Margaret Weber, Evelyn Stanley, Margaret Smith, Delphia Huff; Messrs. Virgil Robinson, Stuart Jones, Gerald Buckley, Fred -Bruggeman, Albert Meyers, Edward Wilson, Lawrence Hicks, David Buckley and Frank Smith. COTE BRILLIANTE, KY. Mrs. William Stanhope, of Grand avenue, had as her guests at luncheon and cards on Wednesday Mrs.
George Pickelman, Mra. William Gehring, Mrs. Charles Schuermann, Mrs. Steven Ritter, Mrs. William Kuhl, Mrs.
C. H. Morrison, Mrs. William Cooper and Mrs. Edward Staubach.
Miss Ada Bell Rensford, of Park enue, leaves August 1' for New York. Mrs. Carey Lindsey had as her guests on Tuesday Mrs. Albert Schneider, Mrs. Geo.
Huber, Arthur Henry, Mrs. Dwight Phillips and Mrs. George Schultz, of Ft. Thomas; Mrs. Frank W.
Borgerding and Mra. Andrew Hemmer, of Newport. Misses Anna and Helen Schuermann and Miss Gertrude Hehman returned home on Saturday from visit with Miss Anna Sandhager, of Frankfort, Ky. Miss Rilla MacDay, of Grand avenue, entertained with porch at home on Tuesday evening, the young folks present numbering Misses Marie and Helen Piper, of Norwood, Ohio; Harriet Lusk, of Mt. Auburn; Gertrude Lyle, of Cheviot; Messrs.
Gordon McGilliard, of Connersville, Dr. Fred Miles, of Cincinnati; James L. Heck, of Mt. Auburn; Edward Hearne, of Cincinnati, and Warner Hayward, of Price Hill. FT.
THOMAS, KY. very pretty home wedding was that of Tuesday evening when Miss Louise Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. M.
Johnson, of Linden avenue, became the bride of Mr. Gordon C. Hartsell, of Memphis, Tenn. The weding service by Dr. J.
R. Savage, of Russellville, Ky. Mra. Arthur C. Bishop (Lucile Savage), of Louisville, played the Lohengrin wedding march the wedding party came down the stairs.
The bride wore a gown of cream -colored lace over white satin, with picture hat, and carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses. The two maids of honor, Miss Sheila Johnson, sister of the bride, wore green organdie, and Miss Polly Hartsell, of Memphis, sister of the groom, wore orange organdie. town guests numbered Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, of Oklahoma; Rev.
J. R. Savage. of Russellville, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur C. Binhop, Louisville: Mias Lydia Berry, Versailles, Mrs. Kirkwood Snyder and Mrs. Arthur Haynes, Lexington, Miss Ethel Roudebush, Goshen, Ohio; Miss Polly Hartzell and Miss Mary Leath. Memphis; Mr.
and Mrs. Preston Mitchell, Hernando, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffeld, Norwood, Mass. Mr.
and Mra. Hartzell left immediately for two weeks' bridal trip, returning to Ft. Thomas for week's visit before going on to their new home in Memphis. Mrs. Gottlieb Hartweg and niece, Miss Emma Volz, of Dayton, are at Atlantic City.
Dr. Frank H. Southgate, Mr. and Mra. John 8.
Storrs and Mrs. Frank M. Opp leave Monday for motor trip to Michigan. Miss Carrie E. Foster and Miss Kate Resor have returned home from visit In Middletown, Ohio.
Mrs. W. D. P. McDowell, of Mt.
ant avenue. left Sunday for Cleveland, Cedar Point and Buffalo, where she will be the guest of hor father, Mr. H. A. Roberta.
The Misses Minges have moved into their new home on Villa place. Mr. and Mra. Albert W. Chapel, 'of Villa place, are visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Karl Wadsworth Cooke, land. Ohio. Before returning home they will visit many, points of interest in ada. Mrs. J.
W. Kinney( Pauline Varner) and littie daughter Louise, of Oklahoma City, have returned home after being the guests of the Misses Burns, of Villa place. Mra. John F. Opp, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Ross and George Ross have returned from Indiana, leaving Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Howard at Rockville, where they returned shortly to their home In Springfeld, 111. Miss Valete Opp and nephew, Jack Ross, stopped off for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Ashby, in Ladoga, Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Thomas and daughters Anna Louise and Dorothy, are at Atlantic City. Mr.
and Mra David Davies have been enjoying a stay at Winona Lake, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson, of Briar Cliff, left this week for month's stay at Bear Lake, Mich. Mr.
and Mrs. 1. Sahifeld (Cecelia Lindenschmidt), who have returned from honeymoon trip through the West are with the bride's parents in Ft. Thomas Mrs. Charles W.
Adama, of Louisville. is the guest of her niece, Mrs. Frank B. Stegeman, Tower place. A lawn party was given at the man home on Highland avenue.
MIRE Josephine Kassieman was assisted by her mother and sister in serving refreshments and entertaining the following: Misses Josephine Kassierasn, Beatrice Bunning. Lucille Hanion, Mary Friedhoff, Marie Von Zuben, Marie Dorsel, Mildred Dorsel, Janette Weir, Gertrude Velteen, Linore Riordan, Marie Kocker, Laurn Pine, Hattie Edith Nellander, Martha Bauer and Mesara. Bill Kassieman, Louis Bunning. Bob Ion, Oscar Paul Dorsel, Tom Quhel, Elam, Dick Quhel, Harold ter, Frank Quitter, Harold Paine, George Weir, Paul Weir, Clorence Bauer and Clem Buenger. Mr.
and Mra E. A. Powell, Miss nervs Powell, Mr. Jack Powell, Mr. and Mrs.
Parker G. Sanford and daughters Dorothy 'and Nancy, and Mra L. K. Marty leave this wek for Bankaton Lake, Mich. Mra.
Albert Latady has returned to her home in Birmingham, after viait with Mrs. John 8. Storrs, B. Ft. Thomas ave.
nue, and Mrs. Reben Miller, Carolina avenue. EAST WALNUT HILLS. Mra. F.
Wallace left Wednesday for New York. Mrs. E. C. Jones la at Lake Kenka, N.
the guest of her, daughter, Mra. Oscar Faber, of Buffalo, Mra. Sam Ferris entertained with In time, every woman seeking a comfort shoe, wears The OSTEO-TARSAL It is accurate, scientific; not a makeshift nor an imitation. Different toes and heels of various heights, assure style as well as absolute comfort. In and Black Tan It has the patented heel of rubber, Leathers halved with different elasticity, and which eases the foot YOUR White Linen foot just "where it should be.
-It is best to get your OSTEO-TARSAL NOW- -PIETZUCH430-432 Send Order for by detailed Mall Race Street. entales and Biting Best $690 CINCINNATI, SUNDAY, JULY 31, 1921 EROTION FIVE Miss o'clock Mary. luncheon Shine, on of Friday in honor The of Mrs. J. R.
Morgan, M. M. Selts, Mrs. Brunsman wedding of Miss Henrietta Kueny and Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Henderson visited George Madison, Wis. Roth, Mrs. Crane, Mrs. Garnet Price, of Walnut Hills. Versalles, the past week.
others. guests MacDonald, were Mrs. Miss Mary Charles Shine, Herring, Mrs. Alfred Mrs. and Mrs.
Mrs. A. E. William Broadston Dolan. of the lier, Mr, and Mrs.
James Wells, Mri of Mrs. Mrs. David Duncan and Mrs. B. P.
Mrs. John Wynne and Louise Phillip was Chairman are guests of and Sheridan spent Tuesday Oldenburg. Dickman; of Lockman avenue, are at ComA Elsie Queal, Mrs. Harry Percival, Miss lawn fate given by the Missionary Society Louis Probst. Indiana.
way. Mich, to remain until October. Daniel Wainwright, Mrs. Mrs. R.
N. Ochiltree, of Mrs. the Louis Earl Presbyterian Lee directed Church the last sketch Friday. and Mrs. Miss Walter Gladys Bellman the guest of Mra.
Ivan Markland and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kuns. Academy aveWill Frank, Mrs.
and Knapp, of Westwood, last Markland, of Price Hill, and Miss Edith sue, left Friday for points in Wisconsin. Vallerie Welle, Mre. 0. D. Coldeway and dren pageant given by the young people chil- week.
Hopping, of Whitewater, spent Thursday Miss Marie Neiter, of Sunset avenue, Mrs. Rev. Frank and Mrs. Caldwell. Jesse route Mr.
of and the Mrs. church. A. 0. Bing and Bing.
Mr. Sunday and for Mra. Mr. John Mra. Holland entertained with Mrs.
Miss Hazel Dick. who la visiting relatives in Rahjay. N. J. to L.
Halsey are en of Clarion avenue, are Lakeside for sev- on of and Joseph Four- Michael Hanion visiting Mr. and will stop at Atlantie City before her Misses Southampton, Louise tice, Falmouth, Ky. Mrs. James Hanion, of Hamersville, Ohio. return home.
Nan and Behleicher eral weeks. sojourning at Indian Lake. Mr. Thomas J. Nichol, Misses Belle and Margaret McMilian and Mra.
Charles Andrew are occupying the Nichol cottage at Omena, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Sharp are Atlantic City.
Mrs. J. H. Lakamp is staying with rela.tives in Louisville. Mr.
and Mrs. Elliot Smith left Thursday for Wisconsin to become guests of Mr. Smith's mother. Mr. and Mra.
Eleaser Darrow are at the Maise coast to spend the month of gust. Miss Mayme Goldenburg will leave soon to spend a year in the Philippines. Mr. and Mrs. William Guckenberger -left Friday for Estes Park, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. D. Bryant will leave soon for a trip on the St.
Lawrence River. Mrs. L. Bennett. of N.
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dawson Blackmore. Miss Jeanette Striker is visiting her ter, Mrs. Burton Andrews, of Toledo, Ohio.
Miss Catherine Anderson is sojourning in the Adirondacks. Miss Amy Hawkes leaves August 1 for Washington, D. to become a member of the faculty of Fairmount Seminary. Mrs. M.
R. Craven and her daughter, Mrs. Charles Ferrie, are at Lakeside, Ohio. Prot. Alfred Nounes and family have opened their cottage at Edgewater, Mich.
Miss Elizabeth Goldsmith is weesee Lake, Ind. The engagement was announced at luncheon-bridge Alexander party on Wednesday, Mrs. Schoepf and Mrs. Harry Roberg, of Miss Ann Finnerety to Mr. John Thomson.
WALNUT HILLS. Miss Ruth Harrison 1s the guest of friends for the summer at North East Harbor, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. C.
G. Blake, of JohnThey stone place, are enjoying a northwest trip. in expect, to return some time August. Miss Elizabeth Blake is spending her vacation with friends on Horton's Ranch, Wyoming. Mr.
and Mrs. D. J. Harry, of St. James place, will go to Hot some time in August.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Clarke (Rosan Krippendorf) have returned from their honeymoon trip in the West. They will be at home to their friends at their apartment on Hackberry street after October 1. Mrs.
Donald Watkins enjoyed visit at Delaware, Ohio, the guest of her mother, Mrs. Donald Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. William Redeker, of Blair avenue, Walnut Hilla, are entertaining Mrs.
Redeker's mother, Mrs. John M. White, of Hillsboro, Ohio, and sister, Miss Alice White, of Washington, D. C. Miss Marceline Bender, of Portsmouth, Ohio, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
T. Guilfoyle, of Ingleside avenue, who entertained a number of friends in her honor during the past week. Among those who enjoyed the evening were: Misses. belle Gullfoyle, Angeline Nichols, Mary Switalski, Mary Callahan, Kathryn Gusweller. Mary Gusweller, Marcelin Bender and Eugene Craig.
One of the prettiest weddings of the season was that of Miss Beatrice Bloch, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jacob Bloch, Fairfield avenue, to Mr. Elijott Kahn, of New York City, on Saturday, Just the immediate family, relatives and out -oftown guests were present. A wedding supper was served to 60 guests.
The honeymoon will be spent in Nova Scotia and Mr. and Mrs. Kahn will reside in New York. -town guests were. Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice Mr. and Mrs. George Louis, Mr. Chas.
Kahn, Mrs. Theodore Kaufman, of Chicago: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Heidingsteld, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Roaner. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Foy, Morris street, are visiting in Indianapolis.
Miss Mary Gill Higbee has returned from New York. Mrs. Thomas Cahill, of Upland place, has been visiting in Michigan for the past two weeks. Mrs. Helen Schuster Martin, who spending her summer in Ludington, has been entertaining Mrs.
Julie Waldron Parker. Among those from Cincinnati enjoying her hospitality were: Mrs. G. W. Bacon, Mrs.
Robert Sagmeister, Mrs. George Toewater, Mrs. Lewis Hillhouse, Miss Elizabeth Shipley, Miss Beth Pruett, Miss Eva Pownall, Miss Frances Kolp arid Miss Virginia Bacon. Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Hawley, who were in China for the past six montha, are back in their home on Holly lane. EVANSTON. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crowe spent the week.
end with Mr. and Mrs. John Ludwig at their cottage at Shademore. Mrs. J.
with C. Dale, of Wabash avenue, visiting Mra. Herman Aultman, of Chicago. Mrs. Jessie Porter and 'sons are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Hall. of Buffalo. Mr. and Mfs.
William Blaring, of Evans. ton avenue, are spending the summer at their camp on the Big Miami near Cleves, Mrs. J. B. Derbes and Mr.
and Mrs. John McGuire are at Mt. Clemens, Mich. Mr. and Mrs.
William Pohimeyer are visiting in Chicago Mrs. E. Ott, of Hudson avenue, and Mrs. A. La Ross spent last week at Woodland Park.
Ohio. Mr. Henry N. Ott is in Michigan, Mrs. E.
H. Bohmer entertained at Left Field. Shademore, with luncheon and cards Thursday H. Mrs. William Close, Mrs.
Closs. Mrs. Wehlen, Mrs. Wolley, Mrs. Atherton, J.
Schneider, MrA. Leonard Bauman, Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Edwin Veall, Mr. and Mrs.
John Gray entertaining their son and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray, of Saginaw, Mich. Mr.
and Mrs. H. G. AVONDALE. and Ryan, Mrs.
of A AVONDALE. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Goldenberg have returned from a trip on the lakes. Mr.
and Mrs. Aims Burdsall entertained with cards and a luncheon at their realdence in the Forest Glen in honor of the Arst anniversary of their. wedding. Mrs. E.
Mendelsohn and daughter, Mias Mildred, are touring in the East. Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Hart entertained with tea in honor of their guest, Mrs. Amoretta Fitch. Mr. and Mrs. Chester P.
Korn left last week for their home in Sumter, 8. after a month here with Miss Amy Sherlock, of Haddon Hall. Dr. Albert J. Freiberg left last week for Charleroix, Mich.
Mr. Julian Pollock and family have gone to spend the summer at Jackson, N. H. Mr. Jake Frank and family returned from Petoskey, Mich.
Dr. A. B. Thrasher and daughter Corinne left the past week to join Mrs. Thrasher at their summer cottage in Harbor Beach, Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Adler left to visit sister in Birmingham, Ala. Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Klee left last week for New York, from whence they will sail for Europe. Miss Zita Fallon la visiting at Omena, Michigan. The wedding of Miss Anna Plau, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ptau, to Mr.
John Reider took place the past week at the residence of the bride's parents on Dana avenue. Rev. J. J. Castleberry Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Schulte left last week to visit parents in Newcastle, Ind. Mr. and Mra. Robert Wise are at Harbor Beach, Mich.
Mr. Leo Westheimer and family have gone to the Yellowstone Park. The wedding of Miss Zerelda E. Khann, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
C. J. Khann, Mr. John O. Fey, took place Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride's parents on Highland avenue.
Miss- Mary Driscoll has gone to Charleroix, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Julius C. Straubb are at Martinsville, Ind.
Mrs. Emil Jacobson and daughter, Miss Marie, are summering on the Lakes. The wedding of Miss Edna Wagner, of the Crescent Apartments, to Mr. Merrill Cartadafner, of Columbus, took place the past week. They will reside in Columbus.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wise left during the week for Atlantic City. The wedding of Miss Helen Faulhauber took place the past week at her residence on Parker avenue to Mr. George W.
Fulterton. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brenneman left for Woods Hole, near Boston. Miss Flora Peters, of Lenox place, 18 spending the month at York Cliffs, Maine.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Felts are visiting In Falmouth, Ky. Mrs. W.
T. Bruton in at Bass Rocks, Massachusetts. The wedding of Miss Fae of 411 Rockdale avenue, to Mr. Meyer C. Barnett took place last week, Rabbi Louis Grossman omciating.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fischer are In Miss Catherine Driscoll la at Charleroix, Cynthiana, Ky. Michigan. MT.
AUBURN. Mrs. L. D. Carpenter has returned to her home after a lengthy stay in the Maryland mountains.
Miss Dorothy Stoll spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Jones, of Winton Place, Mrs. Mabel Scott and the Misses Scott and Measra, Stone, of Nelson avenue, are spending the summer on their ranch in Wyoming. Mra L.
G. Van Ness was the guest of Mrs. John Ludwig at Shademoore last week. Isabel, Sarah and Frances McCabe are visiting with relatives in Piqua, Mrs. Ralph Walz entertained with a tea Thursday in honor of Miss Rose Von Puhl.
The guests included Mrs. Stanley Duttenhofer, Mrs. Walter Cordes, Mra. Frank Taylor and Miss Clementine Ritchie. Mrs.
Joseph Fallon was the house guest of Miss Frances Wernke last week. Mra. Wm. H. Thorpe entertained Mrs.
Charles Palmer and Mrs. Clyde Dour at her cottage on the Little Miami Friday, Mrs. Earl Neal is the house guest of Mra. Foster Leidecker, of Marietta. Miss Jeannette Woods visiting with her aunt, Mrs.
James F. Gaskins, of Xenia. Mra. Bertha Mathews and Mrs. Virginia Barker are visiting Mrs.
W. C. Fisher, of Carrollton Mr. Bernard Gilman, of Nelson place, has Miss announced the Gliman, marriage of and her William daughRay Seidel, of Albany avenue, July 20. Mra.
Grace Richmond, of Mt. Auburn. has returned from visit with friends in Aberdeen, Ohio. ADDYSTON. Miss Orpha Miller entertained with basket picnic party on Sunday afternoon the members of her Sunday class.
The Ladies' Guild. the St. Andrew's Church, gave lawn fete on the parish lawn Saturday evening, July 24. On Monday Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Hayhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Annes attended the J.
Karman, Me. and John Mueller, have 1 been enjoying Hellman, Mrs. Louisa Ryan, Mr. visit from Mr. and Mrs.
J. Ruggless, of A. Karman, Mr. Charlie Dayton, Ky. Cincinnati; Mr.
Ervin Avey, of Miss Helen Prefer and Miss Lola Behywere guests of Mr. and Mrs. mer, of Price Hill, are visiting Miss of Southside avenue. Dorothy Mason. Mr.
and Mrs. Edmond Bauer, of Lawrenceburg, were the guests RIVERSIDE. Mrs. James Clark, of Miami avenue, has been entertaining Mra. William Houler, of Lawrenceburg.
Ind. Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
Ruggless and Mrs. of Mr. and Mra. C. H.
McKinney. The O. F. B. Girls were entertained on Thursday evening by Mrs.
Loraine Stephens. Miss Nellie Suit home from stay with her sister, Mrs. Frank Ward, of Norwood. Miss Lulu Gilland is with relatives Oegood, Ind. PRICE HILL.
PRICE HILL. Mrs. Eugene Brunsman, Oakland avenue, chaperoned party of young people to Sunshine, on the Miami. Wednesday, The company included Catherine Westendorf, Mildred Marx, Catherine Hummel, Elizabeth Brunsman. Mrs.
Carrol. of. Pittsburg, visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. S.
Cunningham, of Academy avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt Schulte, Glenway avenue, are touring the Mrs. Emil J.
Brauer, Sunset avenue, returned the first of the week from a ten weeks' vacation spent at various Eastern resorta. Mrs. Brauer will return East in a Park. week N. or BO, remaining at way until the end of September.
Mrs. L. J. Oehler, Academy avenue, was hostess of a luncheon Tuesday. The guests were Mrs.
Sidlinger, Mrs. Renss and Mrs. Bohnert. Mr. Fred Hoewischer was host to a party of friends at his home on Fairbanks avenue Tuesday evening, in honor of his birthday anniversary The guests included Mr.
John Hill, Mr. Elmer Heilemann, Mr. pretty wedding took place at Teresa Church, Overlook, when Miss Catherine McGraw became the bride of Mr. Bernard Dwertmann. After an extended honeymoon the couple will reside in Hyde Park.
Mrs. F. William Gerth, of Glenway avenue, entertained the Western Hills Card Club Friday afternoon. The trophies were wo.a by Mra. Broxterman.
Mri. William Ducklo, Sirs. J. H. Schrand.
Mra P. Marchheuser, Mrs. B. Stockelman, and Mrs. William Deddens winning the consolation prize.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. McCaulay tertained with dinner at the Western Hills Country Club on Monday night in honor of Mrs. John Fleming.
of Washington, D. and Mr. and Mrs. A. 0.
Wente, of Mt. Auburn. Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. Mayhall are at Conway, Mich. Mr. and Hrs. William J.
Dolan and party of friends are at the springs at Milan, Ind. Miss Effe A. Knecht, of 560 Purcell avenue, is now at Conway, Mich. Mrs. Clara Buhrman, of Kokomo, is visiting her uncle and aunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, C. Oyler, of Price Hill. Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred G. Allan are in the Canadian Rockies since the 15th. They will be gone about six decks. WESTWOOD.
A lawn fete will be given August 6 for the benefit the Westwood and Cheviot Christian Church, on the church ground, Meadow and Glenmore avenues. turned A from Oden, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Sanders have reMrs.
Earle M. Bevis and chidren Elizabeth and Willian, of Orville, have been visiting her husband's mother, Mrs. Anna W. Bevis. They will spend the remainder of the summer with her mother of North Adams, Mass, and in Boston.
Misses Martha and Elsie Schmitt, FURNITURE 32 Pieces at HALF PRICE 1 Chifforobe 2 1 Chair. Desk. 1 1 Desk and Chair 1 Chair. 1 Arm 1 Desk. 1 Chair.
2 Torchieres, 1 Italian Chair. Italian Chair. Italian Chair. Davenport Breakfast Room 1 Corner Cupboard 4 Chairs, $42.00 1 Oak Bench. 2 Hall Chairs Ivory and Blue Arm Chair Old Ivory and Blue Side 1 Mahogany Yarn Holder Regular Price Now $350.00 $175.00 35.00 17.50 Bethel, Ohio, J.
R. Ryan, SAYLER PARK, DELHI, F'BANK. Dr. and Mrs. B.
F. Lehman and sons Sayler and Franklin enjoyed a motor trip to Winona Lake, Indiana, where they will spend several weeks. Misses Helen and Ruth Oberklein, of Fernbank, are spending the week with their aunt, Mrs. Kisinger, of Kennedy Heights. Mr.
and Mrs. John W. Bell and daughter Margery, of Sayler Park, left Saturday for Detroit, going on later to Butfalo and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Raymond Patterson, of Delhi, entertained her bridge club Friday afternoon.
Among those enjoying her hospitality were Miss Greta Spencer, Miss Wyla Schrader, Mrs. William Hall, Miss Margery Bell, Mrs. Claude Carter, Mrs. William Gray, Mrs. Lester Backman, Mrs.
Robert Andrews, Mrs. Arthur Meyers, Mrs. Charis Powers and Miss Evelyn Stone. Miss Charlotte Wayne, of Bayler Park, is enoying a trip to Washington, D. where she is the guest of her aunt.
Mr. F. R. Bamforth, of Delhi, announces the engagement of his daughter, Miss Agnes Bamforth, to Mr. Todd Exon.
of North Bend. The wedding will take place in the fall. Misses Ida Meyer, Helen Meyer and Norma Kast, of Bayler Park, spent the past week with Mrs. Albert Langhorst, of Silverton, Ohio. Mr.
Howard Beidler left last week for Lakeside, Ohio, where will join his family, who are spending the summer there. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blackburn and son Joe, of Bayler Park, are spending several weeks with relatives in Cleveland, Ohio. NORTH BEND.
Misses Lucy and Alice Buckner 'gave a dinher party on Saturday evening in honor of their guests, Mrs. Ethelyn P. Ware, of Mempbis, and Mrs. William Tallaterro Buckner, of Clifton. Miss Laura Frames Rogers entertained at dinner on Saturday evening for Mr.
Allen Webb, of Jackson, Miss Frances Curtis, of Owenton; Walton and Mesers, David E. Castleman, Harry Riggs, Logan Thomas and Rogers. Mrs. Ivan Chamberlin Walter was among the guests Tuesday at bridge-luncheon given by Mrs. Samuel Ferris at the FL Mitchell Club.
Mrs. C. Hartsough and Mr. and Mrs. H.
W. Hartsough, of Briarcin, Ft Thomas, sere the guests last week of Mre, Joseph Revill Mrs. Florence Hutchinson left Wednesday for a visit with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas and Mrs.
Lucas, of Oklahoma City. Miss Martha Williams, of Covington, and Mr. Russell Corbin, of Carthage, Ohio, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lane Riggs.
Mrs. S. Elliott has returned from prolenged stay in San Diego, Cal. Mrs. Arthur Farquharson Bellevue Last week for a visit with Mrs.
W. Mitchell. Mr. and Mira. Charles Williamm Goodridge visited relatives in Boone County last week.
Mrs. Henry Schanker is the guest of her Manghter, Mrs. G. W. Cohen, of Middletown, Ohio, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Conner and Mr. W. W. Conner, of Union, were the guests last of Mr.
and Mrs. Lyman Rice. Frank Michels, of Camp Dennison, Ohio, de visiting Mrs. Michaela's parents, Kr. and Mra, George Gebhard.
Miss Dorothy Engleman has returned to Louisville, after a lengthy stay with Miss Statira Mildress. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Baker, of Newport, the guests of Mrs. Baker's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Corrigon, NEWPORT. ERLANGER.
ERLANGER. Miss Aileen Jones, of Linden avenue, and her aunt, 'Miss Clara Curran, of agton, are having a delightful stay in the Cumberland Mountains. Mrs. Joseph Hana will entertain the en Monroe street, Thursday afternoon, members of her euchre club at her home August 4. The garden party given Friday evening the lawn at the home Julge and Mrs.
John T. Hodge, on Park avenue and Nelson place, under the auspices of the Women's Guild, of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, was A great success. Mra. Hodge, the General Chairman, was assisted by Mrs.
R. D. Hunter, Mra. Barry Ware, Mrs. Betta, Mina Carrie Schaefer, Miss Frances Taylor, Mrs.
James C. Layne, Mrs. Claronce Townaley, Mrs. Wright Youtsey, Mrs. Mins Margaret Vasche, Miss Emma Fennell, Sadie Stewart, Miss Hattie Purser and lumber of others.
Dr. and Mira. Edward Hermann, of East Bath street, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bathiany, of Sixth and Monmouth streets, Deft a few days ago for Chicago, from which point they took the boat trip to Duluth and Georgian Bay, after they will enjoy three weeks' amping and fishing trip, in the Thousand A lawn fete will be given by the bers of Gertrude Chapter No.
19, Order of Eastern Wednerday evening, August 11. on lawn surrounding Moose Tomon Washington street. Mra. Alfred Gowling has been appointed Geperal ChairBAn. Miss Louise Rummel la enjoying a two weeks stay at Orchard Island: Mr.
and Mra. Cell Toylor and daughter, Miss Dixie, have returned to their home Staunton, after a visit with Mrs. Taylor's parenta, Mr. and Mra el East Fifth street. Their son, Corporal Goodwin Taylor, who la now stationed at Camp Mead, will visit his grandparents latter part of, August before numine his studies at the Virginia Milltary Academy.
George La Riggs of East Seventh Kreet, and Mias Fay Davis, of Monmouth greet, having pleasant vialt with Lulu Grasmick and daughter, Mrs. Fred Droste, formerly of this now miding Ronceverte, W. Va. Miss Mabel Peaco*ck, of Overton street, has returned from a visit with her brother, Mr. Frank Peaco*ck, in Indianapolis, Mrs.
Virginia Spence, who has been reading time with relatives in ville, la now with Mr. and Mra Brent Briar Chin. Miss Ruth Reddick, of Pittsburg, the guest of her grandmother, Mra K. Grand avenue, Mrs. Albert Hayne and son Donald turned home few days ago from Death's Vialt with Hayne's slater, Mrs.
Ray Dr. at Detroit. Mra. F. A Stine and son, of Seison and Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. WinFen, who formed a congenial party that motored Wampler's Lake for fishing trip and two weeks' sojourn have returned lime. Mr.
and Sirs. W. C. Jones, of Linden returned from a stay of oral weeks through the East. Kra Lanta H.
Wilson entertained the members the Woman's Foreign MisSenary Bociety, of Grace Methodist Church, with most enjoyable all-day outing at home on FL Thomas avenue, FL The Thomas, members Thursday, of the Newport Gym will attend outing being given by North Cincinnati Gym at their summer camp. A musicale was civen Taureday afternoon at the Salem M. E. Joss Carrie York Fritsche, street, by naslated the by pupils Mias of Philipe and Fritsche, Miss Estelle vocalist: Bradley, Frederick violin: Miss Bradley, accompanists. Among the others Miss Weber, Mias Olive Kathryn Mary Nelson, Heath.
Miss Celeste Bradley, Mina Ruth Wiebe, Comphine Mine Aschenbach, Ming Ines Winstel, Miss Kathryn Louis Mine, Esther May Feldman and Mine Elsie Miss Pouline Phillips, Bachman and slater Miss Margaret, East Third street, are Miss Wallis Rainey, two weeks' stay at Cumberland Gap. of Lexington, will accompany home Mina Romaine Morris, has Him Rainey been will her be guest royally for two welcomed weeks. by many friends Mrs. Edward Lohmeyer, elty. Accompanied her little Nelson granddaughter.
place, fut Lohmeyer, relatives are having Denver delight and Kansas The will of the Newport Lodge boat of they have chartered, for on Henderson, special to Ext attend annual state of the August 8-10, Mrs. this Ramsey, East Third street, where leavine week for Charleston, W. she join Mr. Ramsey, who has located there. Mrs.
of Fred Phillips Ladies entertained the Templar an all-day Auxiliary meeting of and Knights noon luncheon summer home on Tower Mr. most And Stra. delightfully C. Thuroday. street, the past week for of the Tenth Ent.
Where Welsh the joined stopped party off at of friends Atlantic for City, on to New York to 100k of the heated term. Mr. Welsh after en Miss Interests. have arie returned Freiberg from and Rome City, Marie Ind. Mr.
they spent Harrover, of vacation. Overton street. accompanied of this city, now James Teung, for: left ago of for Petonkey Cannelton. pointa of interest in Michigan. whe victim of hay until late in a September, Mrs.
George Ross and son Gene, of Cincinnati, spent Wednesday with Mrs. W. V. Gleason. Mrs.
John Powell and children are visiting at Owensburk and Whitesville, Ky. Mrs. Clarence Hopping had for her guest the past week Miss Ruth Hines, of Harrison, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs.
W. V. Gleason entertained at luncheon Sunday for Mr. Gleason, of Cincinnati. Mrs.
Clarence Nielda 1a at Martineville, the guest of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Hopping, of Indianapolis; Mrs. William Bump and Mr. Charles Williams, of Cincinnati, visited relatives here the past week. Mrs. Howard Oden entertained past week her niece, Miss Dorothy Mariman, of Addyston.
Mrs. B. P. Sherison, Mrs. Julia Someday and Mrs.
Duncan spent Tuesday at burg, Ind. Mrs. Irene Devall and children are visitIng at Barnsville and Newark. Ohio. MIAMI HEIGHTS.
Mr. and Mrs. David Flinchpaugh were guests of relatives at Hyde Park. Mrs. Abbie Heninger, Misses Katie and Lizzie Irving, of Cincinnati; Mr.
and Mrs. William Anthony and Mr. George Heninger, of Lafayette, were entertained at dinner Bunday by Mr. and Mrs. P.
L. Mann. Mrs. Laura Schlensker, Mr. and Mrs.
Nicholas Weber And Mr. Raiph sker were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
Varley. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford, Nelert, Mrs. nie Allison, Howard Allison, Walter Evans and Miss Vera Nelert were guests of Mr.
and Mra. Henry Stehr. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. Marshall Wood were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mra F. M. Steele.
Miss Emma Steel la visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Steele, of Price Hill. Misses Mamie and Grace Williamson and Mrs. Maria Williamson are visiting tives at Northside.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cramer, of Dayton, Ohio, were guests of Mrs. M. M.
Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hayes, Mra, M. Hayes, Mrs.
Esther Hayes were entertained at dinner Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Royal Hayes, of Norwood. Mrs. Anna Koch, of Miami, is the guest of Mr.
and Mra. C. A. Flinchpaugh. Mrs.
John fa*galy, Mrs. Charles paugh and Miss Eme Moore were entertained at dinner last Tuesday by Mias Maggie Hopping, of Miami. CLEVES. Mrs. James Chidlaw is home from with Mrs.
Fred Wood, of Louisville, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Struble, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wilke, Mrs.
May Harrell, Mr. and Mrs. Cari Graser, Misses Marjory and Helen Struble, from here, with Mra. ward Schultz, of Linwood, Mra. Lon gersoll and Mrs.
Paul Tebba, of burg, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Struble. Mr. and Mrs.
George Landon entertained at dinner Wednesday, complimenting Rev. W. E. Warring and Mr. Charles Warring.
of Troy, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. William Glaster spent the week with Mr. and Mrs.
Banders, of Senders, Ky, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Henderson and Mr.
STYLE VALUE QUALITY The Drinleyy Co. Particular Women are already looking to this Shop for their New Autumn Dresses--and smart new things are arriving dailyCommencing to-morrow, Monday, will hold our first and only Clearance of Summer Dresses $17.50 $25 $35 $55 One-of-a-kind models of Swiss, Voile, Organdie, Dimity, Georgette, Silk, Crepe de Chine and Canton Crepe, many suitable for between-season wear. Unusual Values in Silk and Tub Skirts of Cotton Twill, Flannel, plain and plaited Crepe de Chine Alterations charged for. None sent on approval or exchanged. 25 touth St.
East, Hotel Sinton This shop will close all day Saturday during July and August sh*te 65.00 32.50 48.00 24.00 120.00 60.00 200.00 100.00 160.00 80.00 90.00 45.00 65.00 32.50 385.00 192.50 68.00 34.00 68.00 34.00 96.50 48.25 48.50 24.25 60.00 30.00 110.00 55.00 90.00 45.00 290.00 145.00 65.00 32.50 46.00 23.00 395.00 197.50 69.00 34.50 88.00 44.00 70.00 35.00 168.00 84.00 61.25 30.62 each 82.50 41.25 50.00 25.00 45.00 22.50 10.00 5.00 SPECIAL $335.00 hand decorated bed room suite in old Ivory at the special price of $250.00. A picture worthy of framing should have a Closson frame. The A.B. Jr. Co.
INTERIOR FURNISHERS DECORATORS GIFTS FRAMING 4th.St.W. of Race FURS We take a delight in showing you our exquisite selection of seasonable FURS at August sale prices. 36-Inch H. S. Coat; skunk collar and cuffs $285 45-Inch H.
S. Wrap; large collar $445 36-Inch Natural Squirrel Coat $425 45-Inch Mole Wrap $350 46-Inch Eastern Mink Dolman $1,450 THIS IS A FEW OF OUR SPECIALS. H. E.B BASSLER FURRIERS 111 SEVENTH STREET, WEST Gray Hair Falsely Proclaims Her Age She had been using other toilet articles regularly to retain her youthful charm and loveliness. She now justifiably conquers this false Indication of age with harmless Brownatone" as thousands of others have done.
quickly tints gray, faded, or bleached hair to distinct, natural shades of brown or black and will make you look years younger. Odorless, greaseless and guaranteed absolutely easily at home. Applications are only required from 4 to 6 weeks, depending on growth. Sold and recommended by drug door a where. colors, Brown to and $1.50 Sample bottle, with easy, directions, sent direct on receipt of for postage, pecking, 1 THE KENTON PHARMACAL CO.
000 Coppin Building 0. 8. 4. BROWNATONE Brownstone sold in Cincinnati by DOW'S and other leading.